Simple pleasures

Enjoy life - the right decision, which must be taken several times a den.Zhizn consists of trifles. These moments happen every day and waiting for us around every corner. And, perhaps, the ability to enjoy those simple little things and gives a feeling of happiness. It is necessary to stop for a moment and look around.
Website 33 remembered offhand moments that need to notice and enjoy. But we know that such moments - thousands.
to go to sleep in the bed with fresh sheets. sneeze three or more times in a row. dangled his legs in the water. to feel that in the book, which you are already very much like it, there is still a lot of unread pages. to slip and fall. Feel the sand between your toes SMS-ka that you were waiting for. To wake up after a very realistic nightmare and realize that it was only a dream. to bite off a cake / muffin / eclair on the side where the filling. Find fried to a state Chips potato in a portion of roast potatoes. Tear the protective layer of the screen brand new electronic gadgets. To expose one leg out of bed - and just not hot. Find your nest egg, about which you have forgotten. The smell of garlic, a moment ago thrown into the frying pan in hot olive oil. Accidentally sure to enter your old and long- forgot your password. To touch your hair after a haircut. Full fridge of goodies, which remained after the holidays. When the cat jumps on her knees and immediately taken purr and knead legs. To see how yesterday bald birch today released thousands of small leaves. From a distance, to get exactly into the trash. For the first time after winter wear sneakers. To wake up early in the morning, remember that the output and shifted in the bed, settling comfortably. Random somewhere find scent of childhood. Again and again to listen to the song that you recently enjoyed. To hear the song on the radio, you just droned under his breath. Feel in February, the smell of spring, and in May - the smell of summer. Go through the box with my toys and things. lying in bed and listen to the rain drumming on the window sill. To remove a hand like a second skin, the dried layer of PVA glue. For a long time for a walk and then come home and sit on the sofa. cry with laughter. plunged his hand into a jar of dry rice. Turn the pillow to the cool side. noticed as standing next to strangers laugh, listening to your conversation with your friends.
See comments - there is kindness and additions of our favorite readers. And here is a video of the simple pleasures of life.
via vimeo.com/48236494