The words that changed lives

in everyone's life there are some words that sank into his soul once and for all. And it does not necessarily quotes of famous writers - it is possible that the most important for yourself, you have heard the phrase in a casual conversation with a neighbor or friend.
Users of social network Reddit talked about where and when they were uttered words that changed their destiny. A Website has translated for you the best stories.
Leap into basseynKogda I was 13, I tried to teach my six-year old sister to dive into the pool rim. It took a long time, because she was very nervous. It was a large public pool, and next to us slowly swim laps woman over 70. Sometimes she stopped and looked at us. Finally, she swam up to us. This happened at a time when I was struggling to make the dive sister, and she yelled, "But I'm afraid! I'm so scared! "The old woman looked at her, shook his fist in the air and said," So be afraid! And then do it anyway! »
This incident occurred 35 years ago, but I will never forget it. For me it was a revelation - not necessarily be fearless. The main thing - to act, even if you're afraid.
MamaMoya mother died. A friend told me: "You will have all of life to weep for her - not to do this in front of her».
His words really helped me to understand that my feelings are not always so important. If you can postpone a tantrum - postponed this skill served me countless times.
Eldest brother eldest of three children. My brother is younger than me for two and a half years, and little sister - a 9 and a half years.
When I was about 14, I have something to argue with his father, who was the second oldest of eight children. He told me: "Any decision in this house, you take three. For the first time - for yourself, for the second - for his brother, who would do the same as you, and the third time - for her sister, who repeated for both of you. Your brother will treat sister just how you feel about it, and your relationship to it will affect her expectations from others, including from her future husband ».
It shook me and forced to rethink the role of the elder brother. Even when you are not trying to actively influence the others, those who respect you will still base their decisions on how you acted in similar situations. If you're broken and angry, they behave the same way when faced with adversity. But if you do not become discouraged in difficult times, it can instill in them confidence and hope for the best.
Academic stepenKogda I was 38, I thought about whether to spend 2 years for the degree in radiography. I talked with a friend and practically discouraged himself from it. I said, "I'm too old to start. I'll be 40 when I get my degree. " My friend replied, "If you do not, you will still be 40, but only a scientific degree you will not." Now I'm almost 60, and the degree has helped me to overcome the border between the struggle for existence and a dignified life.
PoezdOdnazhdy I sat on the bus and we drove to the railroad tracks. Before us there were several cars burned a red light, and if the train was going, we would be stuck here. It's always been some very annoying minutes.
However, lit green, and the bus moved off, without waiting for the train. Phew, the crisis was over. But suddenly I heard behind me the mother said to her young child, "Well, what a pity, today we could not see the train».
It was a perfect phrase for the situation. Why not just enjoy what you have?
Priceless urokMoy Head, director of a small hospital, told me the story of the time when he was still just a laboratory. Dan (let's call it so) forgot to check some mechanism on the equipment he used, there was a failure, equipment broken and needed repair on 250 thousand dollars. The next day the boss called him Dan, and he was confident that he would be fired. However, the boss asked him why he did not do due diligence, was convinced that Dan understood the situation, and let him go back to work. Dan was surprised that he had not fired on the boss said: "I just spent 250 thousand dollars to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Why do I have to fire you now? »
The story struck a chord in me. No need to make professional decisions based on emotional impulses. Always remember your main goal when working with someone, and the specific problem you are trying to solve. All people make mistakes. Peace and understanding will help you gain respect.
Bonfire "You do not have to burn themselves to warm others».
It was a revelation for me: I grew up in an attempt to mediate in the difficult relations between parents and adolescence is constantly helping friends deal with their emotional crisis. As someone who spent most of his life in the care of other people's problems, I was shocked to hear that I should have to keep their borders, even in communion with those who really need help.
Teachers around "Every person you meet knows something you do not know you" - my grandfather told me once. This phrase reminds me every time that I'm surrounded by teachers.
Winnie Puhm psychologist gave me a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet in the forest. It was a quote: "" Let Down, the tree suddenly falls when we just beneath it? "- Asked Piglet. - "Let's assume that will not fall", - said Pooh, after some reflection ».
I think about it every time I think that the situation is on the brink of disaster. This quote helps me to calm down and start thinking rationally.
Wheelchair met a man in a wheelchair. He said that once he was asked whether it is difficult to be chained to it. His answer was: "I am not bound by my stroller - I released her. If not for her, I would be bedridden sick and could not leave his room or a house ».
via www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2jzn0j/what_is_something_someone_said_that_forever/?limit=500