Words are the destroyers of health
Twenty one million seven hundred seventy seven thousand nine hundred eleven
Each of us, being a native speaker of any language, has a completely unique vocabulary. This set is a powerful tool of self-programming. Literally: like talk and live. That claimed, we have.
Words are the clothes our thoughts and the energy of the words has a more dense structure, and this energy is much faster (compared to the energy of thought) forms matter.
Evidence of this is given already quite a lot. And there was one, so serious that implicitly recognized the opening, able to heal the deadliest diseases.
This discovery was made by the German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian. He discovered and then learned how to neutralize, word programming diseases of the body. Over time, Pezeshkian proved that these destructive words present in the vocabulary of all people.
You know? There is not one person who was saved from words, which are:
• programming of the disease,
• materialize them in the body,
• do not allow them to heal.
These words of Dr. Pezeshkian United in the name of "organic matter" – words and expressions, directly affecting the physiological organs. You know these words and expressions. This is really dangerous and destructive energy that could undermine even the most robust health, whether it is at least three times heroic.
Note how brilliantly disguised words destroyers. Just do not believe that such a seemingly harmless words can so much harm.
Look here:
...Their findings on the impact of organic speech on human health Dr. Peseschkian has published not so long ago, but these insights have already tested. Especially carefully studied the question of organic matter creates disease or reports about it? It turned out that it CREATES. In other words, was the assumption that words are the destroyers appear in the speech of man after the occurrence of the disease – say, the unconscious, which governs all the physiological processes and signals failures. However, there is no confirmed evidence.
And now we can confidently say that the picture is as follows: first, one includes the word-breakers in their active speech (provides a program of specific disease), and then illness occurs. Not some disease, but exactly that which was stated.
And here's what's important: creating disease lyrics-busters even more entrenched in active speech, and not to the disease to inform (signal).
Challenge words-destroyers quite another to support the disease, giving her the opportunity to "live and thrive". It is clear that organic matter is an independent mental program, and she has a well-founded mission: to maintain what has been created.
Below is summary data of detailed studies of the speech of many thousands of patients. Of course, the set of words for diseases is much richer than in the above list, but if you ask to install in your own speech words that are destroying your health, then the illustrations will help you in this work. And rest assured: as soon as you will find in their everyday speech-destroyers, your speech from them quickly cleared.
The mechanism here is simple and clear: found that means exposed. Exposed means disarmed. Needless to say that when you go lyrics-destroyers, then leave and sickness?
This scale proved method Dr. Pezeshkian.
So, The Table.
These words and expressions create and maintain the disease:
Tired of ad nauseam, fed up with the soul — anorexia nervosa
To shoulder the burden of care. To bear his cross. Problems that sit on the neck Osteochondrosis
Something on her mind, to poison the life itself does not belong to sick of it all to death — Cancer
Go eat, sarcastic, something (or someone) to stomach — Ulcer
Something sits in the kidney, urine in your head, no energy, tired and Urological diseases
To find an outlet to give vent to his anger, to block oxygen, sneeze on someone, Bronchial asthma and hyperventilation syndrome
Suck blood, to squeeze the juice, it entered my flesh and blood — diseases of the blood
To take to heart, heart broken, shot in the heart — myocardial Infarction
It is not scratched, would not want to be in his skin, thin-skinned, thin-skinned —skin Diseases and Allergy
To wrestle, to risk his head, another head Bang, continuous headache —Migraine, meteosensitivity
Limp on both legs, unstable, shaky, impenetrable Chronic cramps, gout,
To let off steam, have patience, to turn up the heat, whip — Hypertension
Caustic, I'm bitter gall, to life honey did not seem, no joy —Diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and obesity
Eyes have not seen, afraid to look, though why, not light sweet, pitch —diseases of the eye
Don't want to hear, don't tell, shut up, shut up, you noisy rumbles — hearing loss, deafness
Pounding, shaking, angry, disgusted, not take (the darkness), burst my patience — Depression
There is no difference as to who or what used these and similar words and expressions. The very fact of their presence in the active speech lays, and then supports the program of the disease.
We offer you to watch it. No, not because their is no special preparation may be impossible. Practice – watch what words are the destroyers present in the speech of your loved ones. Just avoid "preaching".
Please be sensitive: people, especially loved ones, hurt teachings and guidance. Just share information. For example, let's read this article and give your loved ones the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. And to make independent decisions. And remember: individual speech is something that absolutely can not grossly interfere!
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2816#more-2816
Each of us, being a native speaker of any language, has a completely unique vocabulary. This set is a powerful tool of self-programming. Literally: like talk and live. That claimed, we have.
Words are the clothes our thoughts and the energy of the words has a more dense structure, and this energy is much faster (compared to the energy of thought) forms matter.
Evidence of this is given already quite a lot. And there was one, so serious that implicitly recognized the opening, able to heal the deadliest diseases.
This discovery was made by the German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian. He discovered and then learned how to neutralize, word programming diseases of the body. Over time, Pezeshkian proved that these destructive words present in the vocabulary of all people.
You know? There is not one person who was saved from words, which are:
• programming of the disease,
• materialize them in the body,
• do not allow them to heal.
These words of Dr. Pezeshkian United in the name of "organic matter" – words and expressions, directly affecting the physiological organs. You know these words and expressions. This is really dangerous and destructive energy that could undermine even the most robust health, whether it is at least three times heroic.
Note how brilliantly disguised words destroyers. Just do not believe that such a seemingly harmless words can so much harm.
Look here:
- burst my patience,
- I already a head broke
- something gnaws at me,
- baldness I had eaten,
- just sitting in my kidneys (something, someone),
- I pulled the plug,
- not stand (something or someone),
- all the juice squeezed out of me,
- a lot of blood spoiled me,
- I would sneeze,
- tired of ad nauseam,
- just a stab in my heart,
- I already have bangs (shakes),
- the whole neck was in prison,
- fed up
- with the soul gate,
- drove me to death
- having been in my shoes,
- squeeze me
- I wish I could find an outlet.
...Their findings on the impact of organic speech on human health Dr. Peseschkian has published not so long ago, but these insights have already tested. Especially carefully studied the question of organic matter creates disease or reports about it? It turned out that it CREATES. In other words, was the assumption that words are the destroyers appear in the speech of man after the occurrence of the disease – say, the unconscious, which governs all the physiological processes and signals failures. However, there is no confirmed evidence.
And now we can confidently say that the picture is as follows: first, one includes the word-breakers in their active speech (provides a program of specific disease), and then illness occurs. Not some disease, but exactly that which was stated.
And here's what's important: creating disease lyrics-busters even more entrenched in active speech, and not to the disease to inform (signal).
Challenge words-destroyers quite another to support the disease, giving her the opportunity to "live and thrive". It is clear that organic matter is an independent mental program, and she has a well-founded mission: to maintain what has been created.
Below is summary data of detailed studies of the speech of many thousands of patients. Of course, the set of words for diseases is much richer than in the above list, but if you ask to install in your own speech words that are destroying your health, then the illustrations will help you in this work. And rest assured: as soon as you will find in their everyday speech-destroyers, your speech from them quickly cleared.
The mechanism here is simple and clear: found that means exposed. Exposed means disarmed. Needless to say that when you go lyrics-destroyers, then leave and sickness?
This scale proved method Dr. Pezeshkian.
So, The Table.
These words and expressions create and maintain the disease:
Tired of ad nauseam, fed up with the soul — anorexia nervosa
To shoulder the burden of care. To bear his cross. Problems that sit on the neck Osteochondrosis
Something on her mind, to poison the life itself does not belong to sick of it all to death — Cancer
Go eat, sarcastic, something (or someone) to stomach — Ulcer
Something sits in the kidney, urine in your head, no energy, tired and Urological diseases
To find an outlet to give vent to his anger, to block oxygen, sneeze on someone, Bronchial asthma and hyperventilation syndrome
Suck blood, to squeeze the juice, it entered my flesh and blood — diseases of the blood
To take to heart, heart broken, shot in the heart — myocardial Infarction
It is not scratched, would not want to be in his skin, thin-skinned, thin-skinned —skin Diseases and Allergy
To wrestle, to risk his head, another head Bang, continuous headache —Migraine, meteosensitivity
Limp on both legs, unstable, shaky, impenetrable Chronic cramps, gout,
To let off steam, have patience, to turn up the heat, whip — Hypertension
Caustic, I'm bitter gall, to life honey did not seem, no joy —Diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and obesity
Eyes have not seen, afraid to look, though why, not light sweet, pitch —diseases of the eye
Don't want to hear, don't tell, shut up, shut up, you noisy rumbles — hearing loss, deafness
Pounding, shaking, angry, disgusted, not take (the darkness), burst my patience — Depression
There is no difference as to who or what used these and similar words and expressions. The very fact of their presence in the active speech lays, and then supports the program of the disease.
We offer you to watch it. No, not because their is no special preparation may be impossible. Practice – watch what words are the destroyers present in the speech of your loved ones. Just avoid "preaching".
Please be sensitive: people, especially loved ones, hurt teachings and guidance. Just share information. For example, let's read this article and give your loved ones the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. And to make independent decisions. And remember: individual speech is something that absolutely can not grossly interfere!
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2816#more-2816