15 things that do not warn before a baby in the family

process of education of parents begins on the day when someone takes up residence in a tiny quiet their first apartment. Website has collected examples of some important things, which the children quickly teach their parents.
1. Do not believe the expression "sleep like a baby!" Sometimes it seems that they do not sleep at all.

At the very least, parents - exactly.
2. After giving birth, sleep better than sex.

3. It is necessary to turn away for a second - and you will not know any of their child, or their apartment.

4. Phone, money, control ... All nonsense! Have you ever lost nipples?

5. Parents are willing to kill anyone who calls at the door.

That's because the last two hours, they cradled favorite "monster».
6. The main event will now not landing a man on Mars, and the first steps of man.

7. You do not just change diapers a rocket, you know all about the diapers.

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8. You do not understand where all these toys.

They're everywhere! It can not be that you bought it all! Or maybe?
9. Anything, any toys - just not to cry.

10. To just go out for half an hour from home, you need to collect a suitcase full of children's clothes.

Do not forget the food, a change of clothes, water, juice, diapers and toys. While gather, store closes.
11. A total of 1, 5, 3 kilograms of happiness turned into 11 kilograms of "Shkodin."

12. They repeat everything for you.

So we'll have to forget some of your favorite words and do self-education.
13. Do you consider yourself an intelligent and educated person, until the child starts to ask questions that put you in a dead end.

14. Video over which you used to just laugh, cause uncontrolled emotion.

15. Here it is - the carefree life of a free man.

And to you about this now only have to dream.
See also 16 gizmos, which are very useful to parents
Pope's first see their newborn children
Portraits of women on the first day of their maternity
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/portrety-zhenschin-v-pervyj-den-ih-materinstva-600455/
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