Homeless dog afraid to approach people, but she figured out how to save it

Guaraschio When Amanda and her friend Dylan Parkinson learned the story of a lonely vagrant pooch, who lives in the mountains near the town of Carbonado in Washington state, they decided to whatever was to go and help him.

The problem was only that the dog for a long time does not come close to the people and it is impossible to lure even the food. So Amanda spent another hour trying a little closer to the dog and feed it.

It was all to no avail, and they decided to return to the city to eat. But throw a dog, they still could not and soon turned back. Up to three o'clock in the morning they again tried to approach him. The most stunning for Website was the fact that after spending so much time in trying to help the tramp, the boys are not given up on everything by hand and went home. They persevered to lure the dog. Then they came up with a risky, but a very interesting idea.

"I got out and curled up on the side of his back to the dog. The dog growled, but interested. For a while he just sat there and looked at me from a distance. But curiosity overcame, and he came up to smell me. I was lying on the road for about 20 minutes until he walked around, get used to my smell. In the end, he lost interest in me and stepped aside ulegshis in the grass, "- says the girl. Amanda then slowly began to creep up to the dog.

In fact, to tackle to close to it, I had gone for an hour. If the dog began to feel uncomfortable, she just froze on the ground and did not move so he could get used to her presence.

When he started to growl, Amanda yawned and whined to calm him down, because these sounds are considered to be apologetic for dogs. And, oddly enough, it all worked out!

Within minutes, the dog lay side by side with the girl and warming himself.

After he stopped Amanda perceive as an enemy, he managed to put into a car and taken to the vet.

Now hobo looking for good owners, but the first and most important step in his new life has already been made. Fearless Amanda was his real savior.

See also: The history of salvation pumas that lived in the truck
via lostfoundpetswastate.com/2015/04/05/baby-bear-dog-found-in-mountains/
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