The couple wanted to look good at the wedding, and that's what came out of it

31-year-old Claire Crowther once weighed 90 kg. She worked as a midwife, and because of the frantic schedule, she had to eat fast food and convenience foods. As a result, the situation got out of control, and she just could not look at myself in the mirror. And when her boyfriend proposed to her, she refused it, saying he did not want to go to the altar "fat bride." Claire was determined to lose weight and change your life once and for all.
So Claire looked up weight loss.
She refused her boyfriend proposed to her, saying he did not want to go to the altar "fat bride».

Claire joined the group for weight loss and for 10 months lost 25, 5 kg. But she soon realized that this is not enough, and enrolled in a fitness club with her boyfriend, who supported her and helped in every way. He sat with her on a diet and followed the same plan workouts.

Catching up in the fitness club, Claire lost another 13 kg. From bbw girl turned into a real beauty, and became much more confident.
"Supporting Stephen was an integral part of my success", - says Claire.
In October 2014 Claire and Stephen were married.

All the family of assembly, including the daughter Claire, Molly, for which her mother - the best example to follow.

"I will never allow myself to get bored, doing sports, I am constantly improves itself».
Website shocked tenacity and willpower of this girl.
via www.gosocial.co/morbidly-obese-woman-refused-to-walk-down-the-isle-fat-so-she-loses-all-of-it-now-she-is-a-hottie/