The first 40 years of his childhood - the most difficult in the life of a boy
Men - these are serious, big, brutal, strong, intelligent, purposeful, responsible ... children. And Website There are at least 17 evidence of this. After all that, right?
Bought baby pool ...
Walk past the playground - Mission Impossible.
Impossible ... even for the tough guys.
Look, I quite like the Hulk!
She asked her husband to sit with your child.
And here we will have a bedroom Prince ...
Infinitely can look at the fire, the water and how they manage those things.
We have 25 of years old today!
Guys, let's play in the bombs ?!
"A little," popcorn, and you can finally see the cartoons.
The evening in the company of beautiful ladies.
Khalis? ..
A second before.
Superheroes in real life.
Maybe better to eat cotton candy?
The first went!
So here you are, reindeer ...
Ski suit.
P-and-and-up, 20 minutes have passed, my turn!
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20 photos of happy dads and their newborn babies
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/20-fotografij-schastlivyh-pap-i-ih-novorozhdennyh-malyshej-881310/
Bought baby pool ...
Walk past the playground - Mission Impossible.
Impossible ... even for the tough guys.
Look, I quite like the Hulk!
She asked her husband to sit with your child.
And here we will have a bedroom Prince ...
Infinitely can look at the fire, the water and how they manage those things.
We have 25 of years old today!
Guys, let's play in the bombs ?!
"A little," popcorn, and you can finally see the cartoons.
The evening in the company of beautiful ladies.
Khalis? ..
A second before.
Superheroes in real life.
Maybe better to eat cotton candy?
The first went!
So here you are, reindeer ...
Ski suit.
P-and-and-up, 20 minutes have passed, my turn!
You will also enjoy:
20 photos of happy dads and their newborn babies
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/20-fotografij-schastlivyh-pap-i-ih-novorozhdennyh-malyshej-881310/