Rules for raising a son
Child-rearing This is not an easy matter, with a lot of nuances and difficulties. It does not happen that children grow on their own, that you care only about healthy grains in their diet and clean shirts, and then one day the child wakes up as an adult. Every parent knows it doesn’t work that way.
Every day the child grows up, he changes himself, his mood and energy. It goes through different stages of development, and in boys and girls they are different. The task of each parent is to recognize what the child needs and when. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the stages of development of boys and what they need most during this period. This is a very useful cheat sheet for every parent!
How to Raise a Boy
This is what parents who are raising a boy need to know. It is very important in each of these periods to give the child what he needs most. Children's education issues It is a controversial and ambiguous thing, and in the end it is up to you to decide what is best.
What do you think about that? Do you have any parenting advice that we haven’t mentioned? Share with us in the comments!
Every day the child grows up, he changes himself, his mood and energy. It goes through different stages of development, and in boys and girls they are different. The task of each parent is to recognize what the child needs and when. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the stages of development of boys and what they need most during this period. This is a very useful cheat sheet for every parent!
How to Raise a Boy
- The first stage from birth to 6 years
During this period, the sex of the child is not so important, babies are babies. They like to play with them and hold them in their arms. They like to watch the world around them and study it. During this period, the mother plays a key role for each child. During this period, it is much easier for mothers to meet all the needs of the child. Own hormones cause a woman to want to be with her child and give him all his attention. Active communication is very important for the normal upbringing of a boy, because they need help to develop these skills. If the mother with pleasure and interest teaches the boy, talks with him, it helps to develop communication skills. But if the mother is depressed in the first few years or has little contact with the child, an aspect of sadness appears in his subconscious, the child begins to doubt whether the mother loves him.
The mother becomes the boy’s first model for tenderness and love. From the second year of life, when the child begins to walk, the mother must set the boundaries of their relationship. It is important to do this gently without hurting the child.
The father shouldn't be on the sidelines either. The most important thing for a child during this period is to be in the spotlight, to feel that he is loved by both parents. So he develops a sense of security, there are skills of primary communication.
Studies show that, if circumstances permit, it is better for one parent to stay at home to raise a boy under three. Boys are more difficult to tolerate separation from loved ones than girls, they often have stress and a sense of abandonment. As a result, excessive aggressiveness develops.
Remember, this period passes quickly, so enjoy it fully! More love, care and kindness. It is necessary to show the child that he is not alone, that he is loved, and the world is a beautiful and interesting place.
DepositPhotos - Second period: 6 to 13 years
It is at this age that the boy’s life changes. It awakens interest in "male" things: cars, weapons, superheroes and much more. At this age, the boy is fixated on his father or another man who is nearby. He has a desire to be with a man, repeat after him, learn from him. If during this period the father pays little attention to the boy, the child can arrange various tricks. To attract attention, boys can steal, arrange fights, urinate in bed. The father needs to be attentive to the child, spend more time with him and be actively interested in his life.
This does not mean that the boy does not need a mother anymore. Many mothers pull back during this period to make the boy tougher, but this is the wrong approach. You cannot deprive a child of tenderness, otherwise he will respond in kind. He should always feel the support and care of his mother, just the main example for him now is his father.
But what if you are a single mother? For thousands of years, mothers have raised their sons as worthy men. But in this case, you need to find a boy who will become a model for him, an example. Let it be a relative or a teacher.
During this period, the child absorbs knowledge, adopts habits (especially father or grandfather), style of behavior. It is important to surround the child with care, but allow him to make decisions so that he learns independence. Do not miss the opportunity to spend time with the child, because further he will be more and more interested in other interests, friends, love. It is during this period that the most pleasant memories of childhood are laid, and this is your chance to make them beautiful!
DepositPhotos - The third stage - from 14 years
At this age, boys noticeably grow up, and sharp changes occur in the body. In addition to physiological changes, there are metamorphoses in the behavior of the child. Everything is individual, but often boys become restless, nervous, stubborn. This does not mean that they change for the worse, they just form a personality. During this period, boys need to find many answers, learn about the world from the other side, define goals and priorities. Most often, at this age, a child is required to have good grades, help around the house, but this is not enough. He needs to understand the world, he wants to grow up, and his parents still want him to be small. That's what causes problems.
During this period, it is important to direct all the enthusiasm of the child in the right direction. You don’t need to force your child to do something, you need to interest him. It is important for a boy to find a mentor. Moreover, the father is no longer suitable, because during this period the interaction is no longer the same as before, conflicts often arise. The role of a mentor can be performed by a coach or teacher.
Yes, the child needs to find himself, but the role of parents is still great. Even if your son doesn’t show it, he needs his parents. Support, approval, praise or constructive criticism – without it can not do. Help the child to the best of your ability, but do not forget that you need to release him in time.
This is what parents who are raising a boy need to know. It is very important in each of these periods to give the child what he needs most. Children's education issues It is a controversial and ambiguous thing, and in the end it is up to you to decide what is best.
What do you think about that? Do you have any parenting advice that we haven’t mentioned? Share with us in the comments!
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