14 reasons why a calmer mothers and fathers with - fun
What mom and dad completely different perception of the process of educating their children - a fact. And if first we love because they're just born for this, the second - for the wit and great sense of humor.
Website published 14 examples of raising a child, how it is seen by both parents - each with its own side.
Joint progulka
Parents play with child
It's time to pozavtrakat
Time iskupatsya
Joint son
When one of the parents is briefly odin
Suit for the child to a children's utrennik
Parents choose the child kolyasku
I went with my son in zoopark
Rested in the park razvlecheniy
Bought first velosiped
We decided together that something prigotovit
Invented a new igru
Parents helping daughter prepare for the first svidaniyu
Pope 80 level
Pope Pope such
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/papy-takie-papy-768960/
Website published 14 examples of raising a child, how it is seen by both parents - each with its own side.
Joint progulka
Parents play with child
It's time to pozavtrakat
Time iskupatsya
Joint son
When one of the parents is briefly odin
Suit for the child to a children's utrennik
Parents choose the child kolyasku
I went with my son in zoopark
Rested in the park razvlecheniy
Bought first velosiped
We decided together that something prigotovit
Invented a new igru
Parents helping daughter prepare for the first svidaniyu
Pope 80 level
Pope Pope such
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/papy-takie-papy-768960/