25 truthful quotes Neil Gaiman

Probably the best thing is to understand human nature storytellers. Therefore, even in the adult world they manage to keep the children's spontaneity and the ability to see miracles. One of these is a science fiction writer Neil Gaiman, composing stories, which are equally popular with people of all ages, the author of the novels "never," "Stardust" and "Coraline».
Today Website has collected quotations from the works of Gaiman, each of which contains in addition to the lion's share of irony, the truth of life.
Not only happy endings do not exist - all does not exist. Evil, as a rule, does not sleep and, consequently, poorly understood why all someone has to sleep. History teaches us at least what can be worse than ever. The wisest way to start a life together with a young man - this is not to quarrel with his mother. People think they will be happy if move to another place, and then it appears: wherever you moved, you take with you. All people do the same thing. They may feel that they sin is unique, but most of them minor mischief there is nothing original. Ideas harder to kill than humans, but in the end they can be killed. A city without bookstore and not a city at all, if you want my opinion. He can call any number of the city itself, but if it does not have the book, he knows that not a living soul he did not cheat. Trouble cowards - they never go alone, and are favored and attack all at once. to call cats - the same useless as calling a hurricane. Most books on witchcraft written that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft written by men. Really dangerous people, no matter what they were doing, believe that they are doing good, and a second in this no doubt. Especially dangerous. Adults are nahozhennymi trails. Children scout new. No blind worse than those who do not want to listen. Towns is like people: the good condition of the intestine is paramount for their livelihoods. Much hard to forgive, but one day you turn around and you have no one left. Someone once said that civilization from barbarism separated twenty-four hours and two meals. People somehow think that a measure of the sharpness of the pain, or depend on the force of impact. It's not about how strong kick. The fact is, where it is necessary. Even at the bottom there are holes in which you can fall. The Devil hardly anyone ever made. There was no need. The shortest way - sometimes the longest. Human history is much easier to understand if you understand me: most of the great victories and tragedies happen, not because they were guilty by nature good or bad. They are by nature were men. Having come into a world full of trouble and danger, man committed the lion's share of energy to making it worse. Freedom of faith means freedom to believe in a just cause, and in the wrong. In the same way as the freedom to speak gives you the right to remain silent. - But when we win, we will live better!
- But it is not so interesting.
See also amazing lecture by Neil Gaiman about reading and our future.
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