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Create family keeping of seized children

So as not to cause rejection of such foster families overexposure in Russia decided to call "the duty of foster parents".

"The Russian newspaper" reports about the intention of the government of the Russian Federation to establish in Russia, another juvenile Institute — "on-call foster care" in the framework of the law on social educators.


@Now withdrawn from the family, the child falls into a state institution. And there, sometimes years later, to find him foster parents. The new law would create a social tool like "duty professional family".


It is a family that does not choose a suitable hair color and eye shape of a son or a daughter, and 24 hours a day ready to shelter any child who withdrew from the family and placed in an orphanage. In such circumstances, the guardianship will conclude with professional moms-dads contract."

What is the essence of this alien for the Russian social tool?

Immediately after the seizure that occurs, recall, without a court order by the local police of the juvenile or of the guardianship, the child will now be taken away in an unknown direction and place in this "duty family" without a social shelter. In 90% of children have a relatives, grandparents.

Foster "parents" who have undergone special training courses where they are taught not tied emotionally to his child, at any time of the day are required to take removed from the family home of the child, to provide him with food and sleeping place, provide schooling, medical care.

For all that the foster "parents", which are essentially homemade children's home, receive government money, plus a considerable pay — money that cynical way many times higher than the monthly allowance to the families parents on the child. Which family poverty is increasingly becoming a reason for the removal of a child when parents are unable to provide him with "adequate living conditions".

A big problem with foster is that the parents disappear any chance to know the whereabouts of their child, to date.

And fight for it parents becomes more difficult. This is evidenced by the sad extensive Western experience.

Here is the detailed story of a Russian boy, who was in Norway in a foster family:

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It seems that under the soothing statements about the inadmissibility of implementation of the juvenile justice system, someone in the Russian Government subscribed to completely, in all detail to recreate the Western model of the juvenile system.

Here are the claims, for example, the head of the state Duma Committee Olga batalina:


"There is nothing new in the proposed project no. It's the same adoptive family, which is in all Russian regions."


Clear that all under the familiar slogans of protection of the interests of children. But resent that saying about the inhumanity of the room seized the child in an orphanage, no one raises the question of detrimental to the child's mind to the practice of removal from the family, separating children from parents, became widespread in the last decade.

And no one ever raises the question about the need to reduce the number of seizures of children by adopting measures of support, including financial.

In the US, for example, of the 100,000 children in foster families, about 26,000 live on psychotropic drugs. In the UK for a year and a half — from January 2012 to December 2013 from the foster family disappeared 24 320 child. This apparently humane?


"Foster" (replacing foster) family is on a plan of its Russian apologists, such a temporary shelter home for children who for various reasons were removed from their families. Here they are waiting for adoption. It is a kind of children's "Luggage storage"...

Moreover, according to the ideologues of this temporary shelter, temporary parents need to be professionals. To do this, they must be trained in special courses to obtain a license for their "educational" work to get paid. And rather big. In other words, it is the parents for money," - said the chief of staff of the Communist party Nina Ostanina.


Discussion of the law on social educators in Russia is already not the first year, encountering rejection, even in government circles.

However, lobbyists have long been adept in the technologies of prepaymania their social technologies, so the law on social educators to be discussed soon by the all-Russian forum of foster families.

Doubt that the law will be unanimously supported by the Forum, no.


"Is it needed D. Yakovlev law, then to introduce us to the American foster care?" - says a well-known journalist and TV presenter Konstantin Semin.


Apparently, someone is very necessary. Russia, slowly but surely, moving towards anti-family policy, discrediting the family home, when the role of the parent is reduced to a set number of professional competencies that can be mastered by any "professional". published


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Source: ivan4.ru/news/semeynye_tsennosti/v_rossii_sozdayut_semi_perederzhki_izyatykh_detey/