Three Buddhist truth, after which you "let go"
No meditation! Only philosophy! Here are three "noble truths" of Buddhism, which you can enjoy every day. And they will change your life ... Dukkha: Life - a painful thing, and it causes stradaniyaMnogie people call Buddhism a pessimistic and negative doctrine. All because of this famous dogma of this religion - "Life is suffering." But the problem is that most Europeans are fundamentally misunderstands this saying. Buddhism actually tells you: "Life is not very pleasant and gracious. So that figure to him ».
The Buddhists say that we feel most of our suffering due to the fact that trying to avoid mental anguish or suppress difficult emotions. Our life is inevitably accompanied by a sense of loss, sadness, fatigue, boredom, anxiety. This constant companions of our lives. And if we all try to avoid this by buying new gadgets or using drugs, travel, immoderate and promiscuity, and so on. E., It only causes more frustration, disappointment, and other forms of pain.
How to use it: do not buy into the idea that you something is not enough, for "full of buzz." disease, aging, and death - it's all part of life. Take it for what it is, and stop thinking fantasies. Forget about the fact that the perfect life - a life supposedly easy and painless. This caused confusion in our fashion industry, entertainment and pharmaceuticals.
The sooner you accept the imperfection of life, the less disappointment awaits. And the easier you will open your heart uncertainty. And the easier it will "score" on the daily stress and occasional setbacks.
Anitya: Life - is a constant dvizhenieAnitya or "impermanence" means that life as we know it, is in constant motion. We can never gain access to the time from the past. And we can not repeat the past. We do not have, and future. It is an illusion.
Every morning you wake up a little bit different, not the same as they were yesterday. Our cells differ in the physical layer. In our mind - other thoughts. We have a slightly different body temperature. We breathe a slightly different composition of the air. All around us is changing, but we can not ignore. Always.
When we feel uncomfortable feeling of "inconstancy" as it may seem, can be soothing. If we know that nothing is permanent, including pain, we know that all the bad end sooner or later. But when we experience joy, then, of course, we would like to see this state has always been with us. Therefore, we are afraid of the idea. But the right to be different conclusion: the joy of time will soon pass, you need to focus on it as much as possible, to get the most out of it.
If we accept the idea of impermanence of life and its values, it is incredibly releases. In the West, 100 years after the idea expressed Buddha, its repeated Heraclitus, famously remarked: "You can not enter the same river twice. " All you actually have - this is the moment.
How to use it: celebrate change. Agree that all the usual way or another ends. All the bad things that seem terrible today, will soon be over, and all the good - will remain in your memory, if you learn to enjoy it. Your attitude is more important than shoes, the new iPhone will not make happy for more than a couple of days, and the joy of communicating with children will be repeated every day.
Anatma: you are constantly menyaetesKogda psychiatrist asks the patient that people want to get on the end of therapy, the most popular answer: "I want to find myself." Our culture has led us to what we all believe in us if there is any constant, the true "I". It is somewhere between our heart and the liver or elsewhere in the brain? Who knows!
Buddhism, however, comes from the fact that there is no fixed, stable "I". Since, according to the previous principle, everything is changing, and we have to change something. Our personality is updated very quickly. We have a body, permanent jobs, the names of our profession - all with the help of which we identify ourselves, that is a kind of "fix».
But the main thing - that we will not be the same if we do not make previous efforts. On the other hand, our lives will not change, if we do not do every day that have to change it.
How to use it: instead of focusing on the "search of himself," we must focus on how to create yourself in every moment. There's no our "permanent" I only have we at this point in time. And we can change at any moment. Today is always different from yesterday. If today you are depressed, it does not mean that it will be with you always. If you can not forgive the friends or relatives of some of their wrongdoing, it does not mean that you can not forgive them later.
Once we let go of our attachment to the idea of a certain stable 'I', we can relax and enjoy the moment. And tomorrow, because everything will be different. in each new moment of life you're new.
via planetaseminarov.ru/article/tri-buddistskikh-istiny-posle-kotorykh-vas-otpustit/
The Buddhists say that we feel most of our suffering due to the fact that trying to avoid mental anguish or suppress difficult emotions. Our life is inevitably accompanied by a sense of loss, sadness, fatigue, boredom, anxiety. This constant companions of our lives. And if we all try to avoid this by buying new gadgets or using drugs, travel, immoderate and promiscuity, and so on. E., It only causes more frustration, disappointment, and other forms of pain.
How to use it: do not buy into the idea that you something is not enough, for "full of buzz." disease, aging, and death - it's all part of life. Take it for what it is, and stop thinking fantasies. Forget about the fact that the perfect life - a life supposedly easy and painless. This caused confusion in our fashion industry, entertainment and pharmaceuticals.
The sooner you accept the imperfection of life, the less disappointment awaits. And the easier you will open your heart uncertainty. And the easier it will "score" on the daily stress and occasional setbacks.

Anitya: Life - is a constant dvizhenieAnitya or "impermanence" means that life as we know it, is in constant motion. We can never gain access to the time from the past. And we can not repeat the past. We do not have, and future. It is an illusion.
Every morning you wake up a little bit different, not the same as they were yesterday. Our cells differ in the physical layer. In our mind - other thoughts. We have a slightly different body temperature. We breathe a slightly different composition of the air. All around us is changing, but we can not ignore. Always.
When we feel uncomfortable feeling of "inconstancy" as it may seem, can be soothing. If we know that nothing is permanent, including pain, we know that all the bad end sooner or later. But when we experience joy, then, of course, we would like to see this state has always been with us. Therefore, we are afraid of the idea. But the right to be different conclusion: the joy of time will soon pass, you need to focus on it as much as possible, to get the most out of it.
If we accept the idea of impermanence of life and its values, it is incredibly releases. In the West, 100 years after the idea expressed Buddha, its repeated Heraclitus, famously remarked: "You can not enter the same river twice. " All you actually have - this is the moment.
How to use it: celebrate change. Agree that all the usual way or another ends. All the bad things that seem terrible today, will soon be over, and all the good - will remain in your memory, if you learn to enjoy it. Your attitude is more important than shoes, the new iPhone will not make happy for more than a couple of days, and the joy of communicating with children will be repeated every day.

Anatma: you are constantly menyaetesKogda psychiatrist asks the patient that people want to get on the end of therapy, the most popular answer: "I want to find myself." Our culture has led us to what we all believe in us if there is any constant, the true "I". It is somewhere between our heart and the liver or elsewhere in the brain? Who knows!
Buddhism, however, comes from the fact that there is no fixed, stable "I". Since, according to the previous principle, everything is changing, and we have to change something. Our personality is updated very quickly. We have a body, permanent jobs, the names of our profession - all with the help of which we identify ourselves, that is a kind of "fix».
But the main thing - that we will not be the same if we do not make previous efforts. On the other hand, our lives will not change, if we do not do every day that have to change it.
How to use it: instead of focusing on the "search of himself," we must focus on how to create yourself in every moment. There's no our "permanent" I only have we at this point in time. And we can change at any moment. Today is always different from yesterday. If today you are depressed, it does not mean that it will be with you always. If you can not forgive the friends or relatives of some of their wrongdoing, it does not mean that you can not forgive them later.
Once we let go of our attachment to the idea of a certain stable 'I', we can relax and enjoy the moment. And tomorrow, because everything will be different. in each new moment of life you're new.
via planetaseminarov.ru/article/tri-buddistskikh-istiny-posle-kotorykh-vas-otpustit/