We should expand the definition of "human being"
The right to be called a man can be zasluzhitMy publish a translation of excerpts from the book "The idea is to die: Scientific theories impeding progress" by John Brockman.
Science is certain that people began with Homo sapiens, the evolutionary branch of primates. However, in most of what is called "human history" (that is, the history that began with the invention of writing), most "intelligent people" do not qualify as "people", and not because they were too young or because that their capabilities were too limited.
In sociology, we usually inviting the aid "shameful trinity" - race, class and gender - to characterize the gap that remains between the normal existence of Homo sapiens and regulatory ideal of complete humanity.
You would think that sociology since its inception has been focused solely on the fact that, directly or indirectly attributed to the humanity of the greatest number of "intelligent people." But it may turn out to be so that just being in the ranks of homo sapiens - is not a necessary and sufficient condition for being qualified as "a man».
What happens then? Building a scientific point of view on the concept of "man," the best thing we can do is learn from various national democracies, where the citizenship extended to those members of the republican democracy were willing to be seen as equals, by virtue of established state rights and duties.
That is, the republican citizenship - is, first of all, recognition of the surrounding human and not some government benefits granted to the citizen by his government.
In addition, the republican constitution citizenship is usually determined by the terms in which there is no hint of the heritability of citizenship.
That is, one who has been born in the country, did not have any privileges compared with those who had to earn their citizenship. The traditional expression of this idea is that people born citizens, at least obliged to perform military service in order to confirm their citizenship.
The opening of the newly pribyvshihS into account scientific updated version of the so-called "human rights" should have been called "human nationality».
Primates and aquatic mammals is not only reasonable, but also endowed with higher cognitive functions, which include what is now called "mental time travel» h4> Let's imagine that this above the open door immigration policy had an ontological rather than a geographical nature. In this case, non-Homo sapiens might obtain permission to move to the territory of the "man».
Science is certain that people began with Homo sapiens, the evolutionary branch of primates. However, in most of what is called "human history" (that is, the history that began with the invention of writing), most "intelligent people" do not qualify as "people", and not because they were too young or because that their capabilities were too limited.

In sociology, we usually inviting the aid "shameful trinity" - race, class and gender - to characterize the gap that remains between the normal existence of Homo sapiens and regulatory ideal of complete humanity.
You would think that sociology since its inception has been focused solely on the fact that, directly or indirectly attributed to the humanity of the greatest number of "intelligent people." But it may turn out to be so that just being in the ranks of homo sapiens - is not a necessary and sufficient condition for being qualified as "a man».
What happens then? Building a scientific point of view on the concept of "man," the best thing we can do is learn from various national democracies, where the citizenship extended to those members of the republican democracy were willing to be seen as equals, by virtue of established state rights and duties.
That is, the republican citizenship - is, first of all, recognition of the surrounding human and not some government benefits granted to the citizen by his government.
In addition, the republican constitution citizenship is usually determined by the terms in which there is no hint of the heritability of citizenship.
That is, one who has been born in the country, did not have any privileges compared with those who had to earn their citizenship. The traditional expression of this idea is that people born citizens, at least obliged to perform military service in order to confirm their citizenship.

The opening of the newly pribyvshihS into account scientific updated version of the so-called "human rights" should have been called "human nationality».