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7 mistakes that daily makes your brain, and how to fix them

How brings us our mozgZnaete Do you think that your brain makes mistakes, and you did not know about this? Even as you read these lines, he makes mistakes. Yes, it's true. You read everything correctly, but your brain is full of prejudice, based on your past experience.

And this applies not only to you but to everyone. We are like prisoners, looking at the world through the bars of a prison cell, have long forgotten that this array does not exist.

The fact is that our beliefs are driving us into the rigid framework, and distort the perception of bias. This leads to constant errors in judgment. And the worst thing that we hardly realize this.

But there is good news. It lies in the fact that we can understand the nature of the error, if we regularly review their own way of thinking. Here are 7 of errors that can be overcome, to be closer to him.

1. Avoid discomfort more important to us than to fulfill his mechtuVam ever had in a movie theater watching a terrible movie just because you paid a lot of money for a ticket? I think so, and you are not alone. The truth is that in this situation, most people prefer to suffer, dosmatrivaya disgusting film, rather than to do something nice. Why is that? Because we do not want our money in vain.

Our tendency to shy away from danger - in contrast to the tendency to maximize opportunities - gave us a better chance of survival in the medium predators h4> Science says that our tendency to shy away from danger - in contrast the propensity to maximize opportunities - gave us a better chance of survival in the environment of predators. And this trend is transmitted from generation to generation within an unimaginably long time.

We programmed to minimize loss and not the maximization of capacity. Without exception! But in today's world, this need has disappeared. Some great entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs understood this and lived in full force.

The best way to deal with this problem - ask yourself what you really want out of life. Just as it is every morning in the mirror did Steve Jobs. So you will naturally tend to things that are important to you, and give the best chance for your dreams.

2. We misjudge shansyPredstavte: you throw a coin. The probability of heads or tails 50:50. For example, 23 times in a row fell eagle. Of course, the next time you throw a coin falls an eagle. Right?

No! In fact, the likelihood of changes. It still is 50:50. Previous 23 tails do not affect the probability of which side the coin will fall next time. But even knowing that, based on its past experience, you tend to wait for the result of the irrational. Gamblers lose because of this imperfection of our thinking.

But there is a simple solution: use an approach based on the attention. That's what it is: a pause and a deep breath.

Deep breath disables you from irrational conclusions. A pause allows you to reconnect with your rational "I". This creates a certain ambiance on perception. Do this, and irrational thinking will be much less likely to tempt you. Try it! I guarantee you'll be impressed.

3. We assure ourselves that our bad decisions - horoshieVy ever tried to convince himself that the purchase of an extra pair of shoes that you absolutely do not need, is not such a bad decision? If yes, you are under the influence of cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance occurs when you have a two opposing ideas that you can not simultaneously keep in mind. You want to think of myself as a man of insight enacting far-sighted decision, and the wrong decision does not correspond to this image. Thus, in order to bring its decisions in accordance with their self-esteem, you convince yourself that your decision was the right one.

Cognitive dissonance occurs, When you have two opposing ideas that you can not simultaneously keep in mind h4> How best to overcome the cognitive dissonance? Knowing his propensity to rationalize the wrong decisions, try to notice when you try to do it again. Accept that sometimes you make bad decisions (and that's fine - as long as you are aware of it). Get rid of the idea of ​​himself as a shrewd and intelligent man, and allow yourself to make mistakes.

Thus with the help of care you replace your tendency to rationalize bad decisions ability to learn from them. Over time, your skills in decision-making can only be improved.

4. We pay more attention to information that is consistent with our ubezhdeniyamVy ever paid attention to what happens when you buy a new car? Suddenly you start to notice on the road a lot of the same car! This is due to the fact that your brain is passively looking for information that confirms your reality.

You tend to reach for people who share your world, or move away from them? I assume that most of your friends beliefs are very similar to yours. For the definition of this phenomenon is the term - confirmation bias, then there is a tendency to confirm the information that is consistent with our beliefs, regardless of their truth.

We bow to the ideas and the information that confirms our beliefs. This means that we are minded people with limited thinking and poor imagination.

But do not misunderstand me. I'm not saying that you should stop communicating your friends who do not share your beliefs. I'm talking about what is important to recognize that, even if we disagree with them, beliefs of other people have the same effect as yours. The ability to understand this is extremely rare. But it is very important for creativity and growth.

5. We confuse the factors determining the choice rezultatamiLuchshie with universities around the world, such as Harvard, produce top-class professionals thanks to its special education programs? Or because they are selected only the brightest students?

I put that all Harvard students would be successful, regardless of the university where they studied. But it is likely that you have mistakenly attributes the success to the graduates of Harvard University, rather than the selection process for admission to it. The Harvard accept only the best candidates, who will succeed no matter what.

Rolf Dobell says that professional swimmers do not get swimmer's physique thanks to enhanced training. On the contrary, they become professional swimmers because they were born with the physique, suitable for swimming. In other words, their physique - a selection factor, and not the result of training.

Why is this a problem? Because you attribute the success of these factors wrong, and (wrongly) will succeed.

Here's another example. If you see on TV a coherent model that drinking high-calorie drink, you get the impression that it will be useful to you. But each of us knows that this is not so. Nevertheless, the TV picture makes us buy drinks containing sugar, which actually only alienate us from the perfect body, of which we dream.

So what can be done to solve this problem? Do not take everything at face value. Treat deliberately to receive daily information.

6. You let her manipulate vospriyatiemVam ever had to buy a car at a discount of 20% on advertising rates? Or a pair of jeans, which yesterday were advertised for $ 100, and "today only" cost just $ 50? Bargain?

What if I say that these jeans really worth $ 20? It is still a good buy? It is not so. You have just become a victim of "anchor effect».

Effect anchor - it is biased reaction of our thinking, by which we tend to rely more on the information that we get the first h4> The effect of an anchor - a biased reaction of our thinking into force which we tend to rely more on the information that we get the first one. This information becomes a starting point for us - anchor. Stores use it to force us to buy more and more.

Imagine you walk into a clothing store and you see a big sign saying: "Sale: Prices are reduced for all shirts from $ 100 to $ 40. Hurry - sale ends today! »

And you think, "Wow! I do not need a new shirt, but it's such a great opportunity! Discount more than 50%. And in the end, well-made clothes will last longer than cheap. " And buying.

Subconsciously, you were under the influence of first seen the price - $ 100, presented store that tries to sell you a shirt. We make estimates based on comparisons. And in the absence of any other information subconsciously inclined to the first value, which is learned.

So how to overcome this tendency? Remember the anchor effect. It all boils down to what you need to pay special attention to what is happening at the moment. This will focus on all related factors - right here and now. And improve your ability to make decisions.

7. We do not control themselves when faced with a large vyboromVy ever faced with a situation where the choice was so great that in the end you're not able to make a decision? Welcome to the "paradox of choice»!

When we have too much choice, we "close" feeling information overload, and even prefer to step back from the situation. We just prefer to get nothing, only that this painful process will end soon. In today's world, information overload, the paradox of choice is becoming more of a problem.

What could be the solution? Reduce the number of options. Regularly remove the options that you do not exactly fit before will feel unable to cope with the situation. Pay more attention to what you want out of the situation, and less attention to the choice. It really helps to focus on your goals.

A great way to do this - to regularly review your goals. Just know that you want to receive every day, and make a list of current affairs. By doing this, you will realize that a "choice" offered by advertising does not have to do with you. You will spend more time doing the things that have value for you, and pay less attention to distractions and weighting factors.

Here's an example that I use to explain what care and samoosoznaniePredstavte that you sit on the beach and watch the waves (your thoughts) in the ocean (your mind). You're looking at the entire ocean, and at the same time on the waves as they rise and fall. Tranquil and soothing picture. Sooner or later, your attention is attracted by one of the waves. You start to think only about it (the thought). You lose the overall picture (your mind). Fix in the mind of this moment, inhale and then go back to watching the ocean.

Time after time, performing this exercise, you will train your attentiveness, become more productive and you will have a better life.

The real secret to overcoming the addiction of your brain to commit oshibokV the next six months focus on the practice of self-awareness. Using the breath as an anchor, watch your mind at this point in time. Pay attention to what is happening here and now. Do this and you'll be amazed at how many of these seven mistakes you can overcome through self-awareness.

If you want to be free from the invisible chains that bind you dedicate yourself to the practice of self-awareness. Understand the structure of his mind - and you will be free from the shackles that hold you back. Forever.

via www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/7-mistakes-your-brain-makes-every-day-and-how-fix-them.html