"Armed and deadly" 10 facts about the dangers of the world ... guess there among them Russia?
This annual ranking of the International Institute of Economics and Peace on 23 parameters, including: the level of violence in the country, crime, foreign policy, military spending, and so on. The top ten countries from our collection have been recognized as the most dangerous for 2015 year.1. Siriya
Militancy in the country led her to first place in our sad charts. Throughout the country, there are constant clashes with militants Islamist groups who are trying to achieve full power in the state. Terrorist group "Islamic state" has every chance of establishing his caliphate, if Syria does not receive massive aid from the developed countries.
2. Irak
Since its withdrawal of US troops, which occurred in late 2011, the country's growing political instability and religious tensions - and all this is happening against the background of constant terrorist attacks. International experts found that Iraq is in a very close state of civil war.
3. Afganistan
Afghanistan is officially considered one of the poorest countries in the world. Since 1978, there does not stop the civil war. According to the report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, no country in the history of civilization does not produce as much drugs as modern Afghanistan.
4. Central respublika
This is a small and very sparsely populated state. The average life expectancy there is only 48 years old, and almost 10% of the population are carriers of HIV. Tourists seldom visit the country - which is understandable, since, according to the ratings of many independent agencies, there are frequent cases of robbery and kidnapping.
5. Sudan
In the early 2000s against the official Sudanese Government made two terrorist groups: "Darfur Liberation Front" and the Sudan Liberation Movement. This situation is gradually turned into a real genocide of African civilian population living in the area.
6. Somali
As a result of actions of the separatists Federal Republic of Somalia is actually split up into several parts. Most of the territory controlled by the so-called warlords, warring among themselves. Most independent sources estimate the situation in the country as the anarchy, and the infamous actions of Somali pirates make ships all over the world go around the local waters.
7. Pakistan
Pakistan is considered quite a modern and developed country, where there is even a nuclear program. But since the early 2000s, one of the regions of the state, Waziristan is a stronghold of the Taliban terrorist group. At the moment, the government announced a policy of ruthless destruction of all militias on its territory, however, tourism is still here, to put it mildly, is not recommended.
8. The Republic Kongo
The former French colony in central Africa can be considered one of the most developed countries of the continent. Nevertheless, the average life expectancy there is only 54 years old, and in the country now and then flashed a small but bloody uprising.
9. Nigeriya
Nigeria is the largest number of state of the Black Continent, having, at the same time, a fairly small area. There are constant seizures of foreign citizens: the locals see it as a legitimate way to increase their income. In addition, there is a very active group of insurgents carrying out the attack on the development of international corporations.
10. Rossiya
Our country has also hit the top ten most dangerous to visit and stay of State in 2015. A key role in this, as the researchers suggest, played a military conflict with our closest neighbors - the Ukraine. Experts also noted the active arms exports, a large number of prisoners, the high level of political terror, the number of security forces and the terrorist threat.
via dnpmag.com/2015/07/27/10-samyx-opasnyx-stran-mira/

Militancy in the country led her to first place in our sad charts. Throughout the country, there are constant clashes with militants Islamist groups who are trying to achieve full power in the state. Terrorist group "Islamic state" has every chance of establishing his caliphate, if Syria does not receive massive aid from the developed countries.
2. Irak

Since its withdrawal of US troops, which occurred in late 2011, the country's growing political instability and religious tensions - and all this is happening against the background of constant terrorist attacks. International experts found that Iraq is in a very close state of civil war.
3. Afganistan

Afghanistan is officially considered one of the poorest countries in the world. Since 1978, there does not stop the civil war. According to the report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, no country in the history of civilization does not produce as much drugs as modern Afghanistan.
4. Central respublika

This is a small and very sparsely populated state. The average life expectancy there is only 48 years old, and almost 10% of the population are carriers of HIV. Tourists seldom visit the country - which is understandable, since, according to the ratings of many independent agencies, there are frequent cases of robbery and kidnapping.
5. Sudan

In the early 2000s against the official Sudanese Government made two terrorist groups: "Darfur Liberation Front" and the Sudan Liberation Movement. This situation is gradually turned into a real genocide of African civilian population living in the area.
6. Somali

As a result of actions of the separatists Federal Republic of Somalia is actually split up into several parts. Most of the territory controlled by the so-called warlords, warring among themselves. Most independent sources estimate the situation in the country as the anarchy, and the infamous actions of Somali pirates make ships all over the world go around the local waters.
7. Pakistan

Pakistan is considered quite a modern and developed country, where there is even a nuclear program. But since the early 2000s, one of the regions of the state, Waziristan is a stronghold of the Taliban terrorist group. At the moment, the government announced a policy of ruthless destruction of all militias on its territory, however, tourism is still here, to put it mildly, is not recommended.
8. The Republic Kongo

The former French colony in central Africa can be considered one of the most developed countries of the continent. Nevertheless, the average life expectancy there is only 54 years old, and in the country now and then flashed a small but bloody uprising.
9. Nigeriya

Nigeria is the largest number of state of the Black Continent, having, at the same time, a fairly small area. There are constant seizures of foreign citizens: the locals see it as a legitimate way to increase their income. In addition, there is a very active group of insurgents carrying out the attack on the development of international corporations.
10. Rossiya

Our country has also hit the top ten most dangerous to visit and stay of State in 2015. A key role in this, as the researchers suggest, played a military conflict with our closest neighbors - the Ukraine. Experts also noted the active arms exports, a large number of prisoners, the high level of political terror, the number of security forces and the terrorist threat.
via dnpmag.com/2015/07/27/10-samyx-opasnyx-stran-mira/
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