To understand the essence of love relationships there is a beautiful image - tree, overgrown with vines.
To understand the essence of love relationships there is a beautiful image - tree, overgrown with vines. The man in this image is like a tree, because it is durable, firmness, stability of opinion, inflexibility, the ability to be a pillar and support. A woman's worth to be like climbing plants - flexible and mobile. Its flexibility allows you to adapt to external circumstances, avoid obstacles and gently smooth the corners.
Creeper can not support himself, he needs support, as well as women need a strong man's shoulder. At the same time a man chooses whom he be, what principles to defend, and the woman chooses, with some man she be. And if you chose a vine support - once and for all, it is not "change his mind" and not throw your tree. And women should be faithful to her man.
In this loving union complement each other: a female climber concern surrounds and adorns her man, and the man-tree provides stability and confidence ... ©