And here and there! 10 stupid mistakes that many take for truth
The site offers a collection of myths, too old and stupid, so they still believe! < 1. Red Bulls annoying. Bulls indifferent to red, they do not distinguish the color almost.
2. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Before Edison had many inventors of incandescent lamps. The most famous of them - Lodygin Alexander, received a patent for the filament lamp.
3. Clean water - the best conductor of electricity. Clean water is not too good conductor of electricity, so that the necessary salt ions, minerals, mud and other substances are not contained in a distilled water.
4. Chameleon merges with the environment. Typically, a chameleon changes color for the sake of dialogue with the representatives of its kind, and not to mask.
5. In the Middle Ages, people lived to 30 years. The average life expectancy was about 30 years, but this is due to the high mortality rate among infants. Life expectancy of surviving to 21, the average was 54-65 years.
6. Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Lightning strikes twice in the same place. The probability of this is 45%.
7. «Paper money" made of paper. Denominations are made of cotton and linen. And in some countries - plastic.
8. Ostrich hides its head in the sand. Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. In case of danger, they fall to the ground and play dead.
9. At 8 octopus legs. According to biologists, the network aquariums Sea Life, octopuses have legs 2 and 6 hands.
10. The figures invented by the Arabs. Arab numbers was not invented by the Arabs - they have come up in India. The name was formed historically, due to the fact that the Arabs spread information about numbers across North Africa and Spain in Europe.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/10-zabluzhdenij-kotorye-bolshinstvo-lyudej-prinimaet-za-pravdu-1024660/
2. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Before Edison had many inventors of incandescent lamps. The most famous of them - Lodygin Alexander, received a patent for the filament lamp.
3. Clean water - the best conductor of electricity. Clean water is not too good conductor of electricity, so that the necessary salt ions, minerals, mud and other substances are not contained in a distilled water.
4. Chameleon merges with the environment. Typically, a chameleon changes color for the sake of dialogue with the representatives of its kind, and not to mask.
5. In the Middle Ages, people lived to 30 years. The average life expectancy was about 30 years, but this is due to the high mortality rate among infants. Life expectancy of surviving to 21, the average was 54-65 years.

6. Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Lightning strikes twice in the same place. The probability of this is 45%.
7. «Paper money" made of paper. Denominations are made of cotton and linen. And in some countries - plastic.
8. Ostrich hides its head in the sand. Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. In case of danger, they fall to the ground and play dead.
9. At 8 octopus legs. According to biologists, the network aquariums Sea Life, octopuses have legs 2 and 6 hands.
10. The figures invented by the Arabs. Arab numbers was not invented by the Arabs - they have come up in India. The name was formed historically, due to the fact that the Arabs spread information about numbers across North Africa and Spain in Europe.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/10-zabluzhdenij-kotorye-bolshinstvo-lyudej-prinimaet-za-pravdu-1024660/
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