5 facts about why women get fat more often than men
Let's be honest and straight: women get fat more often men and inspiration. And this is due to a number of unexpected reasons, which is now Editorial rasskazhet1. Bad domohozyaykiObladatelnits extra kilos today, three times more than in the 80s of the last century. And one of the causes of obesity in women is that they have become poor housewives.
Present at the fair * and "domohozyaynichayut" an average of 20% less than in the old days. And accordingly, consume fewer calories, which leads to steady weight gain. A helps in the modern household appliances such as washing machines do not require any human effort.
2. Engaged se * catfish often, but vyaloRasprostraneno belief that lo * akin to physical exercise, one of intercourse * ovoe replaces a half-hour jog. And with orgasm - as many as four such runs. So, happy and having fun doing lo * catfish, women lose weight.
This questioned the Indian professor Ritesh Menezes, an expert Yoga and the Kama Sutra. He emphasizes that * ovoe intercourse, especially followed by orgasm, dramatically increases the blood concentration of the hormone prolactin, whose purpose - stimulation of milk production in pregnant women. A non-pregnant, he contributes to the accumulation of body fat.
The researcher advises engaged lo * catfish with maximum intensity - move more in the process. Then - physically - you can burn more fat than he accumulates through hormone.
3. Many believe eating domaEsli article British nutritionist David Haslam, cohabitation of man and woman leads to overeating last. The woman, thinking what would be tasty to feed a man buys a high-calorie foods. And indeed, for the company, it begins to have a real man - big portions, and enjoys wine and fatty foods. Especially in the evening.
Note Briton talks about sharing a meal at home. His Canadian counterpart Meredith Young, of McMaster University attended feeding in public places - restaurants and cafes. And it turned out: Lunch or dinner in a society gentleman gentlemen or lady, as a rule, chooses the minimum calorie food. And sitting at the table with her friends, lets his gluttony.
4. Women's brains are so constructed that do not allow the fight appetitomSoglasno world statistics, obese men by about a quarter less than the obese ladies.
Mystery lesions weaker * and in the fight against obesity has recently opened Dr. Gene-Jack Wang, according to which women are often "frustrated" after torment yourself diets and spend calories on physical exercise, because they have bad with force will. It is much worse than that of men.
And the reason for it - the unit of the brain. It introduces the brain inevitably give into the temptation to eat well. especially when in front of them - the ladies - is something delicious. Men in this sense, are more resistant.
What to do? Foster willpower.
5. Skinny little rozhayutEvolyutsionny biologist Stephen Stearns raised the study conducted in the US state of Massachusetts. It covered three generations and tens of thousands of the fairer of * a. Among the information collected there was information about the beginning and end of the reproductive period and the number of children.
And it turned out: low-growing and well-fed women, usually wound up more children than tall and lean. Height, weight and other genetic features regularly passed on to succeeding generations - the light appears very similar to her daughter - plump, which in turn, also sought to have more children.
Stearns believes that slender lose in evolutionary competition with "donuts." Here are the latest and bred.
Slender! Give birth actively.
via www.kp.ru/daily/26426/3299514/
Present at the fair * and "domohozyaynichayut" an average of 20% less than in the old days. And accordingly, consume fewer calories, which leads to steady weight gain. A helps in the modern household appliances such as washing machines do not require any human effort.
2. Engaged se * catfish often, but vyaloRasprostraneno belief that lo * akin to physical exercise, one of intercourse * ovoe replaces a half-hour jog. And with orgasm - as many as four such runs. So, happy and having fun doing lo * catfish, women lose weight.
This questioned the Indian professor Ritesh Menezes, an expert Yoga and the Kama Sutra. He emphasizes that * ovoe intercourse, especially followed by orgasm, dramatically increases the blood concentration of the hormone prolactin, whose purpose - stimulation of milk production in pregnant women. A non-pregnant, he contributes to the accumulation of body fat.
The researcher advises engaged lo * catfish with maximum intensity - move more in the process. Then - physically - you can burn more fat than he accumulates through hormone.

3. Many believe eating domaEsli article British nutritionist David Haslam, cohabitation of man and woman leads to overeating last. The woman, thinking what would be tasty to feed a man buys a high-calorie foods. And indeed, for the company, it begins to have a real man - big portions, and enjoys wine and fatty foods. Especially in the evening.
Note Briton talks about sharing a meal at home. His Canadian counterpart Meredith Young, of McMaster University attended feeding in public places - restaurants and cafes. And it turned out: Lunch or dinner in a society gentleman gentlemen or lady, as a rule, chooses the minimum calorie food. And sitting at the table with her friends, lets his gluttony.
4. Women's brains are so constructed that do not allow the fight appetitomSoglasno world statistics, obese men by about a quarter less than the obese ladies.
Mystery lesions weaker * and in the fight against obesity has recently opened Dr. Gene-Jack Wang, according to which women are often "frustrated" after torment yourself diets and spend calories on physical exercise, because they have bad with force will. It is much worse than that of men.
And the reason for it - the unit of the brain. It introduces the brain inevitably give into the temptation to eat well. especially when in front of them - the ladies - is something delicious. Men in this sense, are more resistant.
What to do? Foster willpower.
5. Skinny little rozhayutEvolyutsionny biologist Stephen Stearns raised the study conducted in the US state of Massachusetts. It covered three generations and tens of thousands of the fairer of * a. Among the information collected there was information about the beginning and end of the reproductive period and the number of children.
And it turned out: low-growing and well-fed women, usually wound up more children than tall and lean. Height, weight and other genetic features regularly passed on to succeeding generations - the light appears very similar to her daughter - plump, which in turn, also sought to have more children.
Stearns believes that slender lose in evolutionary competition with "donuts." Here are the latest and bred.
Slender! Give birth actively.
via www.kp.ru/daily/26426/3299514/
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