A German psychologist has developed a system for predicting the longevity shape navel

A German psychologist a few years ago attracted the attention of the press, saying that the form of the navel can not only accurately predict life expectancy, but also to determine the overall psychological health and a person's character.
Dr. Gerhard Reybman practicing in Berlin, says: "Of course, there are many factors that influence life expectancy. However, the size, shape and position of the navel may be a lot to say. " Reybman doctor advises: "If you want to learn how to live a long time, carefully inspect your navel, and then compare it with the description of the six types of gizzards.
- Horizontal navel is pulled to the side. People with this navel is very emotional, which could adversely affect their health. The average life expectancy of men was about 68 years old.
- Vertical navel stretched up and down. Man with navel confident, generous and emotionally balanced. The average life expectancy of men was about 75 years old.
- Convex stomach protruding. Most likely, the owner of the navel optimist and enthusiast. The average life expectancy of people about 72 years old.
- sunken navel are good people, loving, cautious, sensitive and prone to feelings. The average life expectancy of people about 65 years old.
- The offset from the center of the navel abdomen indicates that the person loves fun and often experience changes in mood. The average life expectancy of people about 70 years.
- Round navel flat form says that man is very modest, sober, quiet and shy. The average life expectancy of people around '81 ».
Source: www.nashe-strannoe-telo.ru
via factroom.ru
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