Five scientific facts that allow to sell anything

It is unlikely that many of you know, that one is subject to a rather strange laws. They take effect every time you cross the threshold of the shop. And make you buy something that you'll never need. You can about them and not be aware, but people who want you to sell something, be assured, is well familiar with them.
Law № 1. predskazuemyVy you walk in the door nearest deli. Turn your head to the right. What do you see? In most large, especially supermarket chains, this position fresh vegetables department. And in all these stores the location of doors and desks forces you to immediately turn to the right.
Scientists spent more than a year, analyzing our behavior during shopping, and came to the conclusion that we are as predictable as the animals during the migration. It turned out that people like to bypass the store counterclockwise. Consequently, the case at the store will go better if you install the door on the right, but not in the center, or worse, to the left.
A modern supermarket is designed so that you could not help it to get around a certain, special thoughtful people route. Knowing that you will roll to the right, they place the most recent and seductive goods where it first gets on your eyes. Not the way, mind you - they realize that you're unlikely to run into the store the night of cabbages. They know that if this place would be a shelf with chips, you just grab the bag and explode directly to the checkout. Instead, they are laid out there fresh vegetables that have the best chance to make a good impression on you. The trick is that the entire store now automatically will call you associations with freshness, pleasant smell and bright colors cleverly decomposed vegetables.
After they blind you with bright lemons, apples and oranges, they lead you counterclockwise so that certain products appeared in front of you at the most opportune moment for them, that is when you are likely to have already matured to buy them . What you really need - milk, eggs, sliced cheese, appears in front of you until the very end. By the time your truck will top up the nonsense that you pass through the automatic doors, do not even think to buy.
Remember! Their goal - to keep you in the store for as long as possible, and force you to get around as much as possible racks. You will never buy "jalapeno pepper with honey," if you do not know about its existence.
Law № 2. Nothing brilliant you are chuzhdoEto almost physical reaction - a person automatically receives all the brilliant thing as a valuable and fashionable. Many even think that their car after polishing better rides. "This may not be the same clunker, 1988, I drove before! See how shiny! »
And why do you think, in all good stores so sparkles?
The company Envirosell Inc., a marketing consultant that has worked before in the US Postal Service, the companies Wal-Mart, The Gap, and many others, have conducted their own investigation and found that pedestrians can not help slow down the pitch before the glittering showcase of the store. We can not help it.
Scientists Rowell experiment, showing the participants four images of water, and asked to choose the most attractive. The subjects, especially women, without hesitation pointed to the most brilliant picture, with assured that depicted her water must be the best in quality. In the second part of the experiment, scientists have noticed that the little kids trying to lick the mirror surface, or cuddle up to her face. If you offer them a choice between plain white plate and shiny, the majority chooses brilliant, and try it on clap.
Law № 3. shopping trip gives you udovolstvieDofamin. Good old dopamine. It is a substance that produces your brain when you're in love, taking psychoactive drugs, or eat a delicious meal. Dopamine affects all functions related to the behavior, cognition, movement, and other important things such as the ability to keep the saliva in the mouth and suckle.
And more importantly, dopamine - the gatekeeper to your emotions, both positive and negative, which means that it allows you to open, examine and seek something new.
Moreover, its effect is enhanced when we enter into a new store, or come to an unfamiliar city. Studies have shown - we often do expensive and pointless purchases while traveling. And, of course, not for the sake of this unnecessary and expensive things, but for the sake of dopamine, all of the same powerful dopamine ...
Law № 4. Numbers - not your konёkPochemu stores continue to draw these endless nines at the price tag? Even addressing the crowd minded people with a higher education, they still offer us to buy something for $ 499, instead of saying, "it's worth five hundred dollars." As if taking us for idiots, unable to calculate that less than 500 499 only one?
In fact, people do not make friends with numbers than stores without a twinge of conscience and enjoy.
Imagine three golf ball lying in a row.
Now imagine a box, which lies 4,258 such balls.
I bet you will not only be able to imagine the look of 4258 balls at once, you can not even estimate the size of the box in which they could fit. Our brains simply are not designed to ensure that manage such numbers. From the point of view of evolution is not surprising - the complex number system was invented not earlier than 5000 years ago. Moreover, natural selection does not take into account the mathematical ability.
Law № 5. easy to fool your taste with the help of a friend logotipaDoverie brand is justified, but only to some extent. If you like your last Toyota, it's a good excuse to buy a new car of the same brand. Even Apple fans have not always been so. They used to be first bought any product of this company, and he seems to like it.
There comes, however, when the logo begins to play with you a malicious joke. You begin to overestimate the pleasure of well-known brands are able to deliver you.
In 1970, Pepsi has built an advertising campaign around the entire experiment under the name "Pepsi challenge". They poured Pepsi and Coke in the same cups and asked people to choose the soda, which they like best. Most Americans prefer Pepsi. Advertising company over a resounding success, as the case of Coca-Cola went downhill, it is choked in their syrup, and since then about her no one heard ...
At least that was going to happen. Instead, Coca-Cola, and to this day are sold all over the world is better than Pepsi. This is despite the fact that people still recognize that Pepsi tastes better.
Worse, in the tests when trademarks drinks were discovered, the results were exactly the opposite: he saw a familiar logo on the red bank, people preferred Coke. This phenomenon is known as the "paradox of Pepsi».
It's all in the two hemispheres of the brain, one of which is responsible for feelings (including taste), and another - for thinking and classification (ie. E. Determines your choice based on experience and knowledge). The second may outweigh the first, if the brand or logo linked quite pleasant associations.
Scientists have made such a conclusion when the experiment was repeated with Pepsi and Coke, while scanning the brains of volunteers using a scanner.
"Blind" test showed that Pepsi more than Coke leads to the activity of the brain responsible for pleasure. However, when participants in the experiment offered drinks with open logos, suddenly intensified areas of the brain related to the analysis. "Coca is delicious and you will love it" - the subconscious mind keeps telling you that over the years has managed to memorize the campaign. And sensory perception fades into the background. So they really can wash your brain and make you love anything.
via factroom.ru