There is a diet food through the nose
American physician Oliver Di Pietro suggested a method of rapid weight loss called KE diet. As part of this diet food enters the body through the nose via a nasogastric tube.
The doctor promises a loss of 9 kg in just 10 days. The solution is allegedly in the special mixture of protein, fat and water, which are contained in the feed solution into the stomach. It nourishes the body of only 800 calories a day. This process is called Oliver Di Pietro ketosis. Fat is burned due to the absence of carbohydrate, wherein the muscle and the liquid remain unchanged. Those who want to achieve maximum results, should be everywhere to carry a package with nutrient liquid and not to eat anything for 10 days.
Dr. di Pietro says that hunger disappears completely during the first few hours. He claims that the diet has checked 100 000 patients in Europe. Almost all of them are lost to 2 kg per day. Currently, he said, the diet is very popular among brides who want to quickly lose weight by a certain date - the day of the wedding.
Other doctors are concerned about the health risks posed by the diet. According to nutritionist Susie Weems from Baylor University in Texas, powered through the nose can cause long-term health problems, since the handset can be used for the development of infection and irritation. Much more effective is to eat right and get fiznagruzki under the supervision of an experienced coach. In this case, the weight is not guaranteed to return for a long time. Typically, after the termination of extreme diet weight very quickly returned to previous levels.
Di Pietro admits that his diet has a couple of drawbacks: bad breath and constipation due to lack of fiber, but it is believed that 10 days should be patient to wear a dress dream wedding day.
The cost of the course KE diet is 1,500 dollars per 10 days.
via factroom.ru