4 features that are "working" exclusively for our attraction
Some of the qualities that nature has endowed animals seem utterly useless, even harmful. Why, for example, in a world where all each other hunt, you need a peacock's tail? As this huge, iridescent "makeweight", hide from predators? It's amazing how the peacocks do still exist! Only one conclusion - evolution is not deprived of their tail only because it is attractive.
People also have features that anything else is not suitable, but to send signals to the opposite sex intimate content.
1. Volosy
This is one of the most intriguing features of the person. Hair spoiled, confused. Nevertheless, they cover a certain part of the body of people around the world. What do they tell us? For the heat? But why, then, we are not completely covered with hair? Yes, and any cap is warmer. So one conclusion - the function of hair purely decorative. They decorate and we work on our beauty, keeping odors that attract potential partners.
2. Body odor
Speaking of smells. This feature is not always viewed as unpleasant. Medieval lovers used to put Apple for some time under his arm, then tied the beautiful ribbon and sent the object of passion. And what about Napoleon a note addressed to Josephine: "Do not wash up. I'm going home". Scents - a powerful weapon of beauty. With the perfume we are trying to artificially control these weapons. But actually it does not change.
3. Features litsa
All people have individual features, the varying degrees to steal. Why do we need these differences? One would vary much less, is it not: someone's eyes are huge, someone plump lips, and someone strong square jaw. All these features have no other function than to increase the attractiveness of their owners.
There is a theory, rather, I must admit, it is arguable that the differences in appearance among different racial groups have arisen due to the different notions of beauty. That is, Asians narrow eyes just seem awfully beautiful and sandy wind here there is nothing. And the history is suggestive: Healthy white-faced beauty very different from the Renaissance tanned girls with sunken schёkami with the current glossy covers.
4. Female breast
At all times the female breast has been a powerful tool in the struggle for man. At that time, the representatives of a strong half of mankind proved its superiority in duels, knightly tournaments or banal fights, women were no less intense competition - the depth of the neckline and skilful underlining palatability rounded shapes. Recently it passes female competition, including and involving surgical techniques. Yes, of course, the breast is necessary to feed the baby - but only that it does not matter what it is the shape and size.
Moreover, our closest relatives, the apes, the breast appears and becomes noticeable only at feeding time. Consequently, the feminine charms visible only to men noticed them.
via factroom.ru
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