8 facts about why men and women do not have to get along with each other (but still coexist)

Studies show relationships between people: how they will develop, will develop and whether it can affect even the most seemingly insignificant and absurd stuff.
1. We did not know how to evaluate their own privlekatelnostNedavnee study showed that men often make the mistake of believing that their friend from them crazy. And women are much more likely to think that their friends are indifferent to them - and also wrong. So that friendship between men and women of normal orientation - downright minefield of misunderstandings and passions not happened.
2. Tastes women vary depending on the month tsiklaMesyachny cycle turns out to affect the preferences of women. Several different studies have shown that women prefer men with a stereotypical male persons (authors of the study cited the example of George Clooney), when they are ready to conceive. At other times, it may seem more attractive not so macho. Apparently, nature has that brutal men become better fathers.
3. Birth control pills can also affect the perception of women in 2008, scientists found that women not taking birth control pills seem attractive smell of men with whom they have the greatest genetic divergence. This is particularly true of certain genes that are associated with the immune system. And women who take birth control, more attracted by the smell of the men with whom they have more genetic similarity. As for the scent of attraction - it is critical, it may be the determining factor when choosing a partner. But that's not all. It turned out that women have sex with men, who are responsible for the immune system genes are similar to their own can satisfy less. So that taking the tablets can thoroughly spoil a sexual relationship some couples.
4. Our attractiveness varies with the very strange faktorovV 2009 researchers asked people to see the faces that appear on the computer screen and assess their attractiveness. Then they were told not to pay any attention to the person appearing, and follow the points that pops up on the right, then on the left side of the screen. Then again asked to rate the attractiveness of people in photographs. As a result, the subjects seemed most attractive, those persons whose opinion "prompted" the direction in which appeared later point. Bean Khurana researcher commented: "Note that the attractiveness varies from one sight," supporting "the right direction. Imagine how it can change from living communion. " That is, people may lose a chance to please you, not just pointing to the dressing room door.
5. If you are a man, you look happy to you unprofitable in 2011, researchers found that women find men who look happy, less attractive. They prefer guys who give the impression of a proud and powerful or moody and ashamed. There is at least one positive side: if you are in grief because alone, if a high probability that you will soon be in great demand.
6. The same applies to the self-confident zhenschinK Unfortunately, during the same study found that the proud and self-confident women seem less attractive to men.
7. The attraction can be a disadvantage if you communicate onlaynVo many experiments concerning the appeal, the scientists used pictures, so it is not clear how their conclusions are valid in relation to direct live communication. But romance on the Internet is also used pictures, so here they study gives the most accurate result. Analysts marriage agency OkCupid studied many pictures of women, which were presented in their profiles and found: the more men differed in assessing the attractiveness of women, the more messages it receives. That is, women who have been found attractive (but not so breath-taking), a majority of men received less letters than those that only men considered ugly, and others - interesting. Conclusion: "Men tend to ignore simply attractive women." A woman should "think about the fact that some men may not like it - and to play in this».
8. The biggest attraction for yourself, we have a samiV The study, conducted in 2010, the researchers showed participants pictures of two groups - one group photos were "made up" of the two parties of strangers, and the second person was "assembled" from the photo the participant and the stranger. People who saw the hybrid with its own identity, but were not aware of this, we find this photograph is much more attractive than the one on which were two strangers. The study authors concluded that the man "subconsciously attracted to features resembling his own." So we are, in fact, hopeless daffodils - and maybe deserve to live alone.
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
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