The heat makes people irritable and aggressive

Many people are too quick-tempered, when the temperature on the thermometer rises. It is known that hot and especially humid weather increases aggression and reduces mood.
Here plays the role of several factors: difficulty sleeping, dehydration, limiting the activities of daily living, as well as lack of control over the situation, which further irritates.
In addition, a small percentage of people have a summer version of seasonal depression when a person becomes overly anxious and even suicidal during the summer heat. For such people, the heat and the sunlight almost unbearable.
Why is this happening? In hot weather, our body undergoes a series of changes: increased heart rate, increased blood flow and sweating, as well as metabolism, which is associated with the sympathetic nervous system. Also, heat promotes the production of testosterone, which inclines us toward aggressive behavior.
via factroom.ru
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