The human brain perceives man as a whole, and women - in part
The human brain is a different perception of the male and female body. The men we see as a whole, and women as a "sum of parts", say American psychologists. And this vision is typical for both sexes, that is, women also see their friends' piecemeal ».
We found this feature of the human brain specialists from the University of Nebraska. The men we see as a whole, but women our brains somehow take apart. This may be due to the perception of women as sex objects.
Usually in advertising as visual baits are such parts of a woman's body, as the waist, chest and so on. N. That they are constantly focuses, so these parts of the body would be perceived as apart from the body.
Scientists conducted an experiment with 200 students, and students who showed photos of young women and men. First, the students showed a photograph of a man at full length, and after some time some part of the body, such as the chest or waist with this picture. And there were two versions of the body: in a constant and slightly deformed. Participants in the experiment were to determine how the body looked at the first photo. In the second version of the experiment, the students showed not any particular piece of photography, and also the whole person, but with a slightly distorted body parts. The problem was the same - to determine which picture corresponds to that shown earlier.
The researchers found that when it came to women, all subjects were determined by the similarity of the body, and if the male is on a portrait. Thus, the men in our brain perceives a set of attributes, and women - by individual, so to speak, the outstanding features.
via factroom.ru
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