In New Jersey (USA) is a monument by Zurab Tsereteli

Actually, the prolific master done monuments around the world, his works are in France, Spain, Ukraine and others. But the history of the monument "Tear of Grief" is particularly interesting.
The idea of "Tears of Sorrow" Tsereteli came up in connection with mourning after 9/11. Inspired by the artist has created a sculptural composition higher than 30 meters and weighing 170 tons. However, the City of New York refused to accept this generous gift, finding it an unattractive appearance.

Then Tsereteli suggested to erect a monument to Jersey City, just across the Hudson River, opposite the site of the tragedy. But here, the authorities strongly rejected the "Presents", and even the local press dubbed the monument "vulva." In the end, the master managed to attach his creation in neighboring New York, New Jersey, and now it flaunts an abandoned pier on the former military base at the mouth of the Hudson River.

via factroom.ru
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