5 innocuous things for which, according to scientists, you may hate
1. Photograph your profile in social networks made too close rasstoyaniya
Sadly, the photo is too large, not only the plan in all its glory demonstrate your acne, but also make you less attractive and trustworthy.
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have conducted several experiments. In the first case, the volunteers were asked to rate the portraits taken from a distance of 66 and 230 cm. The pictures were the same people with the same expression and the same clothes, I only have the distance. It was found that with the approach of the camera diminished the attractiveness of the object being photographed.
In another experiment, just distorted images, creating the effect of proximity to the camera:
But in this case, the subjects claimed that the man on the altered image is less reliable, attractive and competent. In other words - candid photos the profile is a strong dislike.
Researchers attribute this fact to the fact that at some deep, primitive, instinctive level, our brain treats people in the close-up photos of both those who in conversation is too close to us and violates personal space.
2. Your eyes are open enough shiroko
The less people seem to your eyes, the less they like you. The researchers conducted an experiment with hundreds of men and women who were given two pictures look. In both pictures was depicted the same man, only one shot of his eyes were open completely, but on the other - slightly covered. To eliminate the influence of small factors in facial expression, all the photos were "otfotoshopleny" so that coincided everything - right down to individual hairs.
After viewing each volunteer were asked to answer a series of questions about the man in the photograph. He seeks a long-term or short-term relationship? Would he be a good neighbor? Looks whether a reliable business partner? It would be safe to travel with that person?
Women agreed that narrows his men are more likely to be short-lived relationship. Thus people with wide open eyes looked trusting, nicer, safer and more attractive.
But where, then, took the myth of the appeal "languid" look? Scientists suggest that the wide eyes are more common in young people, thus gaze from beneath hooded eyes may indicate sexual maturity. According to the head of the research team - Daniel Kruger, do not abuse "beckoning" eyes, as the effect can be reversed with respect to the desired.
3. You gently remind germafrodita
So-called "gender-neutral" people for whom it is impossible to determine their gender-a-glance, may face hostility and distrust, not only by the adherents of traditional views. The same applies to the profile pictures in social networks - If it is clearly not "read" your floor or in place of the photo in the pic uses a fun picture, you call a subconscious aversion.
In one experiment, participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of sanity and reliable interlocutors after talking to online chatting. Each had a certain picture: The first is the classic stereotype of the female image, the second was more neutral, and in the third case, used a bottle of ketchup with a person (scientists that day missed).
In all cases, the subjects tended to be purely feminine avatar. He caused more positive emotions, sympathy and trust, regardless of the nature of communication. In second place was elvenkind avatar, and at last - the ketchup.
In another experiment, it was used three different office. The first belonged to a male chauvinist, and was hung with posters of naked women, a huge truck and other similar subjects. The second office belonged to a man of progressive views. They grew flowers, and the walls display posters warning of cancer of the breast. Finally, in the third office had no general posters. Female subjects reported that they work in one of these three offices, and then to test for the future workplace.
According to the results, women gained less points during the test in the "progressive" and "neutral" offices, and "misogynist" office with soft porn on the walls of the test results is higher. Participants were nervous when they could not immediately identify with confidence the future chief of the old, bright stereotypes out of the office of the progressive and neutral type.
4. Your voice is too masculine (if you are - man) or female (if you - a woman) 16,152,549
In the mass consciousness of the ideal male voice should always be a deep, confident, loud and attacked the audience like an avalanche. A perfect girl should communicate through popiskivaniya flirtatious young voice. However, studies have shown that, despite the entrenched public opinion, people do not really like the perfect male and female voices. In any case, when it comes to relationships. The experiment was conducted by the University of Mack 'Wizard includes a record of male and female voices and then change them: male voices lowered and women - increases. Then the changed voices used to record neutral words and phrases.
Volunteers are asked to listen to the voices and arrange them in order of attractiveness. Scientists have found that men were less likely to rendezvous with the owner of the high female voices, while women do not like very low male voices. Even more surprising was the fact that without knowing anything about the person, subjects were of both sexes felt owners of votes from the edges of the sound spectrum deceivers.
And there is a reason. Men with the lowest voice has the highest levels of testosterone, which leads to a tendency to adultery and deception. And the higher a woman's voice, the more estrogen she is responsible for the craving for "adventure." Researchers believe that dislike of too high or low voices protects us from dealing with unreliable partners.
5. You are too dobry
To find the relationship between "right" and attractiveness, the researchers offered volunteers to play a computer game with four other players who, in fact, were not human beings, and are programmed to different behavior bots. Three of the four were average players - not too good, not too vicious, they played by the rules. The fourth player, however, changes the behavior of the blatant selfishness to excessive dedication sypya proverbs after every game or spreading his jacket to a human player is not soiled feet, going to the toilet.
After the game, the scientists asked participants which of the "players" they would like to play again. The real purpose of the experiment was to develop effective methods of punishment of dishonest players - the good guy was there only as a control. However, it turned out that the volunteers refused to play with well-wishers not less than the others, because it believed that the very positive player has any ulterior motives, besides his idiocy good behavior makes others look bad on a similar background and experience envy and aggression towards "Kind».
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
via factroom.ru

Sadly, the photo is too large, not only the plan in all its glory demonstrate your acne, but also make you less attractive and trustworthy.
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have conducted several experiments. In the first case, the volunteers were asked to rate the portraits taken from a distance of 66 and 230 cm. The pictures were the same people with the same expression and the same clothes, I only have the distance. It was found that with the approach of the camera diminished the attractiveness of the object being photographed.
In another experiment, just distorted images, creating the effect of proximity to the camera:

But in this case, the subjects claimed that the man on the altered image is less reliable, attractive and competent. In other words - candid photos the profile is a strong dislike.
Researchers attribute this fact to the fact that at some deep, primitive, instinctive level, our brain treats people in the close-up photos of both those who in conversation is too close to us and violates personal space.
2. Your eyes are open enough shiroko

The less people seem to your eyes, the less they like you. The researchers conducted an experiment with hundreds of men and women who were given two pictures look. In both pictures was depicted the same man, only one shot of his eyes were open completely, but on the other - slightly covered. To eliminate the influence of small factors in facial expression, all the photos were "otfotoshopleny" so that coincided everything - right down to individual hairs.

After viewing each volunteer were asked to answer a series of questions about the man in the photograph. He seeks a long-term or short-term relationship? Would he be a good neighbor? Looks whether a reliable business partner? It would be safe to travel with that person?
Women agreed that narrows his men are more likely to be short-lived relationship. Thus people with wide open eyes looked trusting, nicer, safer and more attractive.
But where, then, took the myth of the appeal "languid" look? Scientists suggest that the wide eyes are more common in young people, thus gaze from beneath hooded eyes may indicate sexual maturity. According to the head of the research team - Daniel Kruger, do not abuse "beckoning" eyes, as the effect can be reversed with respect to the desired.
3. You gently remind germafrodita

So-called "gender-neutral" people for whom it is impossible to determine their gender-a-glance, may face hostility and distrust, not only by the adherents of traditional views. The same applies to the profile pictures in social networks - If it is clearly not "read" your floor or in place of the photo in the pic uses a fun picture, you call a subconscious aversion.
In one experiment, participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of sanity and reliable interlocutors after talking to online chatting. Each had a certain picture: The first is the classic stereotype of the female image, the second was more neutral, and in the third case, used a bottle of ketchup with a person (scientists that day missed).
In all cases, the subjects tended to be purely feminine avatar. He caused more positive emotions, sympathy and trust, regardless of the nature of communication. In second place was elvenkind avatar, and at last - the ketchup.
In another experiment, it was used three different office. The first belonged to a male chauvinist, and was hung with posters of naked women, a huge truck and other similar subjects. The second office belonged to a man of progressive views. They grew flowers, and the walls display posters warning of cancer of the breast. Finally, in the third office had no general posters. Female subjects reported that they work in one of these three offices, and then to test for the future workplace.
According to the results, women gained less points during the test in the "progressive" and "neutral" offices, and "misogynist" office with soft porn on the walls of the test results is higher. Participants were nervous when they could not immediately identify with confidence the future chief of the old, bright stereotypes out of the office of the progressive and neutral type.
4. Your voice is too masculine (if you are - man) or female (if you - a woman) 16,152,549
In the mass consciousness of the ideal male voice should always be a deep, confident, loud and attacked the audience like an avalanche. A perfect girl should communicate through popiskivaniya flirtatious young voice. However, studies have shown that, despite the entrenched public opinion, people do not really like the perfect male and female voices. In any case, when it comes to relationships. The experiment was conducted by the University of Mack 'Wizard includes a record of male and female voices and then change them: male voices lowered and women - increases. Then the changed voices used to record neutral words and phrases.
Volunteers are asked to listen to the voices and arrange them in order of attractiveness. Scientists have found that men were less likely to rendezvous with the owner of the high female voices, while women do not like very low male voices. Even more surprising was the fact that without knowing anything about the person, subjects were of both sexes felt owners of votes from the edges of the sound spectrum deceivers.
And there is a reason. Men with the lowest voice has the highest levels of testosterone, which leads to a tendency to adultery and deception. And the higher a woman's voice, the more estrogen she is responsible for the craving for "adventure." Researchers believe that dislike of too high or low voices protects us from dealing with unreliable partners.
5. You are too dobry

To find the relationship between "right" and attractiveness, the researchers offered volunteers to play a computer game with four other players who, in fact, were not human beings, and are programmed to different behavior bots. Three of the four were average players - not too good, not too vicious, they played by the rules. The fourth player, however, changes the behavior of the blatant selfishness to excessive dedication sypya proverbs after every game or spreading his jacket to a human player is not soiled feet, going to the toilet.
After the game, the scientists asked participants which of the "players" they would like to play again. The real purpose of the experiment was to develop effective methods of punishment of dishonest players - the good guy was there only as a control. However, it turned out that the volunteers refused to play with well-wishers not less than the others, because it believed that the very positive player has any ulterior motives, besides his idiocy good behavior makes others look bad on a similar background and experience envy and aggression towards "Kind».
Source: www.mixstuff.ru
via factroom.ru
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