Bad food makes a bad mood even worse
If you think that a giant piece of cheese fries will change your mood for the better, think again. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University found that unhealthy food can worsen mood, even if it is delicious. This is especially true of women, usually constantly concerned that, and how much they eat.
The researchers asked 131 college-aged women go through a small computer test, the questions which have been associated with their mood and the products that they eat every day. Subjects women were selected for the study because none of them had been diagnosed with any disorders were food. Here are several of them bothered own weight and approach to the choice of food.
During the experiment, it was noted that prior to taking the test party junk food a few of her mood worse, if, and this was not very good. It is interesting that the participants in a good mood deterioration is not noticed.
This study is associated with the other, held last year. Then, it was noted that people who ate junk food often, 51% more likely to show signs of depression - and the more of these foods and dishes had to have the participants, the stronger they become depressed.
via factroom.ru