In 2010, the year a couple of black Nigerian born completely white, blue-eyed child

When Angela Ihekboro first saw his newborn daughter, she had lost the power of speech - a girl born white-skinned, blue-eyed and fair-haired. It seems to be nothing unusual, but the parents of the baby - a couple from Nigeria several years ago emigrated to England.

The girl's father, dubbed the Nmachi (from Nigeria - "beauty bestowed by God"), was no less stunned mother: "What the ...? - He said, he saw a daughter - my mother - Nigerian, and our family has never been white, "- happy father wondered. At the same time, Ben Ihekboro immediately dispelled all sorts of speculation: "My wife is true to me, Nmachi - my daughter: even if we assume that Angela was unfaithful to me, the child would still have been mulatto».

According to Ben confirm and Genetics, headed by Professor Bryan Sykes of Oxford University, I suspect that there was a genetic glitch, as the girl was born with a pretty long blond curly hair, although it is known, newborn children are usually bald. In addition, there is a version, according to which at Nmachi congenital albinism, that is, the absence of melanin pigment which imparts color to the skin, hair and iris of the eye, or other similar disease. Whatever it was, for parents blond daughter was a real angel sent from heaven. It should be noted that this is the third child in the family, the first two are normal in terms of origin skin color - black.
via factroom.ru
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