In China, from sewage sludge makes vegetable oil
Street food in China is prepared on oil from the "gutter oil"
According gourmet Chinese cuisine - one of the best in the world. In China, not only cooked and sold on the streets of tasty traditional dishes - such food stalls are a traditional part of the street scene. The problem is that some street vendors and even restaurants receive too much oil via gutters called oil gutter. This practice is harmful to the environment, but for the black market of Chinese food, especially for small businesses, this solution seems the most economical.
The name "gutter oil" - is not a metaphor but a description of the illegal use of oil in the food market. The process of converting sewage sludge into oil is simple and shocking: "cook" collect sediment from sewage, garbage cans, gutters and anything that can contain vegetable oil and animal parts, this substance is boiled and then filtered.
The output is an analog of a vegetable oil, not only detrimental to health, and in some cases deadly, as the product contains carcinogens and other dangerous toxins in large quantities. One tenth of cooking oil in China, used for cooking comes from these trenches.
Processing oil is not something new in the food industry, where the oil is often used repeatedly after cleaning and processing, but in most cases it is supplied to the cooks clearly through the chute.
The Chinese authorities are well aware of this practice, as that has been around for many years, and have made significant efforts to put an end to it. Unfortunately, the participants in this business so much that, despite the constant news of the capture of the police and Punishment "oil business", new suppliers and manufacturers of recycled oil occupy this place - they are not afraid of even the opportunity to spend my life in prison.
via factroom.ru

According gourmet Chinese cuisine - one of the best in the world. In China, not only cooked and sold on the streets of tasty traditional dishes - such food stalls are a traditional part of the street scene. The problem is that some street vendors and even restaurants receive too much oil via gutters called oil gutter. This practice is harmful to the environment, but for the black market of Chinese food, especially for small businesses, this solution seems the most economical.
The name "gutter oil" - is not a metaphor but a description of the illegal use of oil in the food market. The process of converting sewage sludge into oil is simple and shocking: "cook" collect sediment from sewage, garbage cans, gutters and anything that can contain vegetable oil and animal parts, this substance is boiled and then filtered.
The output is an analog of a vegetable oil, not only detrimental to health, and in some cases deadly, as the product contains carcinogens and other dangerous toxins in large quantities. One tenth of cooking oil in China, used for cooking comes from these trenches.
Processing oil is not something new in the food industry, where the oil is often used repeatedly after cleaning and processing, but in most cases it is supplied to the cooks clearly through the chute.
The Chinese authorities are well aware of this practice, as that has been around for many years, and have made significant efforts to put an end to it. Unfortunately, the participants in this business so much that, despite the constant news of the capture of the police and Punishment "oil business", new suppliers and manufacturers of recycled oil occupy this place - they are not afraid of even the opportunity to spend my life in prison.
via factroom.ru
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