That's what determines what type of men (pretty or "macho") like a girl
The thing boleznyah
Health of the general population of a country has an impact on whether women like masculine or "cute" man. Women living in countries with a high level of health, prefer a more "feminine", soft faces of men, while women who live in countries where life-threatening diseases are very often prefer a more masculine appearance.
Men with masculine looks most attractive to women living in areas of the world where quality is genetically transmitted is crucial for survival. A study of women from 30 countries showed that they prefer to choose a partner with manly appearance, if their country has not too high index of mortality according to the World Health Organization.
In those countries where people are living longer, women like men with a soft, even "feminine" appearance - even taking into account the fact that their genes may not be the most viable.
via factroom.ru

Health of the general population of a country has an impact on whether women like masculine or "cute" man. Women living in countries with a high level of health, prefer a more "feminine", soft faces of men, while women who live in countries where life-threatening diseases are very often prefer a more masculine appearance.
Men with masculine looks most attractive to women living in areas of the world where quality is genetically transmitted is crucial for survival. A study of women from 30 countries showed that they prefer to choose a partner with manly appearance, if their country has not too high index of mortality according to the World Health Organization.
In those countries where people are living longer, women like men with a soft, even "feminine" appearance - even taking into account the fact that their genes may not be the most viable.
via factroom.ru
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In South Korea, people are paying for it, to live to see how others overeat