Clint's rules
I rarely bullied in childhood. Firstly, I was above all in the classroom, and secondly, we are constantly moved. Redding, Sacramento, Pacific Palisades, again, Redding, Sacramento again, Hayward, Niles, Oakland (city in California. - Esquire). We were always on the move, and I've always been a brand new school. Any kids, of course, wanted to deal with me, see who I am. I was a pretty shy guy, but most of the time I went out to give all freaks in the neck.
As a child I played the flugelhorn, and the neighborhood kids were looking at me and seems to be thinking: "What garbage?»
Today's generation - this generation of loose seals. Faced with a problem, they say, let's look at the behavior of the bully in terms of psychology. And we just gave the bullies in the ass.
I do not know what's wrong with this generation. Maybe people have en masse to think about the meaning of life?
I found a great depression. It was not working, there was no benefit. Once, when I was six years old, the house knocked us skinny people. He said that we all perekolet wood, if the mother will make him a sandwich. People could hardly stand, but they were much more than those who are around me now.
In Iceland, I was on a waterfall. Together with others, I was standing on a small stone platform overlooking the Falls. Many were children. From the abyss separates us only stretched rope. And I thought, in America they would all enclosed and very tall mesh fence. They have in mind would be one thought: if someone falls, it immediately appears his lawyer. But there, in Iceland, people think the same way as previously thought in America, in the old days, if you fall, you're an idiot.
You can not foresee everything, but we stubbornly try. If the car we buy, there is four hundred airbags, the car, of course, shit.
It is very difficult to intimidate a man, when he eighty.
Whether you like it or not, we must admit that there is a death. But I'm not afraid of her. I believe that when your time comes, you gotta go. This was a bargain at birth.
My father died suddenly. Just picked up and died when he was 63. After that I asked myself for a long time, why not export it to play golf, why not spend more time with him. But when you're chasing the big prize, you stop paying attention to anything else.
His mother died when she was 97 years old. Shortly before she died, she told me: "I want to leave, I'm tired." I said, "No, not yet three years old, three years old, and you mark the centenary." But she would not hear me. "Just look me in the eye," - she said. I looked into her eyes and understood.
To accept with gratitude your age - it is a great gift. But I was too late to learn it.
Old age may not be so bad, if you just lie there and enjoy it.
Maybe I'm starting to think like an old man, but I think people have become more angry and intolerant than they were before. Previously we might be disagreeing on some important issue, but still remained friends. And today, those who disagree with you - fool and idiot. Watch any talk show.
I can be called a libertarian. I would like to be left all alone. Back when I was a kid, it was around too many people who pointed out to everyone how to live.
I always had great respect for religious people whose lives are built in accordance with the faith. But if you can live your life without it - it lives. I myself am not too keen on religion, but I try not to broadcast his doubts all around.
They say marriages are made in heaven. Yeah, there is, where are the thunder and lightning.
The older you get, the more you begin to love their children.
My children - from various women. But it was Dean brought us all together. It is completely absent psychology second wife - you know, this mentality of cave women. She gets on well with my first wife, my ex-girlfriend. Family rests on it, and no one has had on my life the same impact as it is.
I do not care who wants to get married - gay or someone else. Do not make that much noise. Let everyone will have the opportunity to live the kind of life which they themselves have chosen.
"Macho" was a buzzword in the 1980s. Then Macho macho is this - macho, the - not macho. But here I did not understand until the end, what macho. This is someone who walks around, exuding testosterone? Who opens the door with his foot and can walk the wheel? I remember when he met Rocky Marciano (the famous American boxer, 1923-1969. - Esquire). It was a soft, quiet man who did not try to crush your fingers when shaking hands. And he had a high-pitched voice. But he could knock a man for a second. As I see it, this is macho. Muhammad Ali, by the way, is the same.
It so happened that I had killed a bunch of people on the screen. Perhaps it is a catharsis, and perhaps just sadism. Or it does not mean anything.
There was a time in my life when I was approached and asked people to leave an autograph on their pistols.
Offers people to surrender their weapons, justifying this by the fact that it around and too much, it's like offering people cut off his balls, because the neighbors are too many children.
To be politically correct - it's very dull.
Political correctness makes people gradually lose their sense of humor. We used to joke about the free people of different races and nationalities, and today, so if you want to make a joke, you're going to cover her mouth so no one will hear. Our friends have been to us, "Sam the Jew," "Jose meksikashka," but we did not put anything offensive to these nicknames. Today, we spend too much time and energy trying to be politically correct.
Instead of "withdrawn" I always shout "Enough already this shit».
When the director shouted "motor", even the horses are frightened.
For me, it's better to be behind the camera than in front of it. There you can wear such clothes, what you want.
In acting school I once said: "For God's sake, do not do anything, just wait." Well, Gary Cooper, for example, could very well do nothing.
You can not teach a person to be an actor, but you can make it so that people will teach himself.
You can rehearse the role hundreds of times, but you can just go out and play. I prefer the second.
The "switch" (Eastwood movie of the life of the 1920s. - Esquire) I tried to show that today can not be found anywhere else: the boy sitting in front of the radio and watching him. Just looking at the radio and listening to what it says. Everything else does his imagination.
Angelina Jolie is beautiful. It reminds me of the women of the forties - Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Ingrid Bergman. No, women today are just fine, but then they still had more personality.
Hollywood mired in plagiarism. Not so long ago came to me the people who asked if they could make a copy of my "Unforgiven." And it is absolutely fresh movie, 1992!
If all of these managers so important cinematic view of a store clerk from focus groups, let him film and shoots.
There are a lot of great movies that do not get the "Oscar».
The budgets of modern films so huge that the money is more than enough for you to grab a small country.
I was against sending troops to Iraq. Democracy can not be built overnight. This is something that people need to first believe yourself.
Politicians are divided into two categories: I-we-people and people. Barack Obama - it's me, man. He talks about bin Laden as if he shot him.
The modern politician is obliged to promise everything to everyone. Otherwise, it just did not elect.
We never forget that we just hire the politicians so that they served us.
To win the election - this is a bad good news (in 1986, Eastwood won the election for mayor of the Californian town of Carmel. - Esquire). Okay, you say yourself, the good news is that I'm the mayor. The bad news is that I'm the mayor.
In the words of Jerry Fielding (American musician and composer, 1922-1980. - Esquire), «we have achieved a lot - let's not destroy anything, too much thinking about it».
If I was good with all the self-organization, I'd have found myself in the music.
A time when every day I wanted to catch up on one occasion more than yesterday, passed. Now I only want to do what I think is necessary.
Today around me constantly weaves so many photographers that sometimes they surround me like a wall in a cheap motel.
It should be taken seriously in the work and not serious - to itself.
I love to work with those who do not need someone to prove something.
Over a lifetime, I have not met a single genius because genius, it seems to me - is the one who is good in that hates. Being successful and great in the fact that he likes, and everyone can.
Tomorrow gives no promises.

As a child I played the flugelhorn, and the neighborhood kids were looking at me and seems to be thinking: "What garbage?»
Today's generation - this generation of loose seals. Faced with a problem, they say, let's look at the behavior of the bully in terms of psychology. And we just gave the bullies in the ass.
I do not know what's wrong with this generation. Maybe people have en masse to think about the meaning of life?
I found a great depression. It was not working, there was no benefit. Once, when I was six years old, the house knocked us skinny people. He said that we all perekolet wood, if the mother will make him a sandwich. People could hardly stand, but they were much more than those who are around me now.
In Iceland, I was on a waterfall. Together with others, I was standing on a small stone platform overlooking the Falls. Many were children. From the abyss separates us only stretched rope. And I thought, in America they would all enclosed and very tall mesh fence. They have in mind would be one thought: if someone falls, it immediately appears his lawyer. But there, in Iceland, people think the same way as previously thought in America, in the old days, if you fall, you're an idiot.
You can not foresee everything, but we stubbornly try. If the car we buy, there is four hundred airbags, the car, of course, shit.
It is very difficult to intimidate a man, when he eighty.
Whether you like it or not, we must admit that there is a death. But I'm not afraid of her. I believe that when your time comes, you gotta go. This was a bargain at birth.
My father died suddenly. Just picked up and died when he was 63. After that I asked myself for a long time, why not export it to play golf, why not spend more time with him. But when you're chasing the big prize, you stop paying attention to anything else.
His mother died when she was 97 years old. Shortly before she died, she told me: "I want to leave, I'm tired." I said, "No, not yet three years old, three years old, and you mark the centenary." But she would not hear me. "Just look me in the eye," - she said. I looked into her eyes and understood.
To accept with gratitude your age - it is a great gift. But I was too late to learn it.
Old age may not be so bad, if you just lie there and enjoy it.
Maybe I'm starting to think like an old man, but I think people have become more angry and intolerant than they were before. Previously we might be disagreeing on some important issue, but still remained friends. And today, those who disagree with you - fool and idiot. Watch any talk show.
I can be called a libertarian. I would like to be left all alone. Back when I was a kid, it was around too many people who pointed out to everyone how to live.
I always had great respect for religious people whose lives are built in accordance with the faith. But if you can live your life without it - it lives. I myself am not too keen on religion, but I try not to broadcast his doubts all around.
They say marriages are made in heaven. Yeah, there is, where are the thunder and lightning.
The older you get, the more you begin to love their children.
My children - from various women. But it was Dean brought us all together. It is completely absent psychology second wife - you know, this mentality of cave women. She gets on well with my first wife, my ex-girlfriend. Family rests on it, and no one has had on my life the same impact as it is.
I do not care who wants to get married - gay or someone else. Do not make that much noise. Let everyone will have the opportunity to live the kind of life which they themselves have chosen.
"Macho" was a buzzword in the 1980s. Then Macho macho is this - macho, the - not macho. But here I did not understand until the end, what macho. This is someone who walks around, exuding testosterone? Who opens the door with his foot and can walk the wheel? I remember when he met Rocky Marciano (the famous American boxer, 1923-1969. - Esquire). It was a soft, quiet man who did not try to crush your fingers when shaking hands. And he had a high-pitched voice. But he could knock a man for a second. As I see it, this is macho. Muhammad Ali, by the way, is the same.
It so happened that I had killed a bunch of people on the screen. Perhaps it is a catharsis, and perhaps just sadism. Or it does not mean anything.
There was a time in my life when I was approached and asked people to leave an autograph on their pistols.
Offers people to surrender their weapons, justifying this by the fact that it around and too much, it's like offering people cut off his balls, because the neighbors are too many children.
To be politically correct - it's very dull.
Political correctness makes people gradually lose their sense of humor. We used to joke about the free people of different races and nationalities, and today, so if you want to make a joke, you're going to cover her mouth so no one will hear. Our friends have been to us, "Sam the Jew," "Jose meksikashka," but we did not put anything offensive to these nicknames. Today, we spend too much time and energy trying to be politically correct.
Instead of "withdrawn" I always shout "Enough already this shit».
When the director shouted "motor", even the horses are frightened.
For me, it's better to be behind the camera than in front of it. There you can wear such clothes, what you want.
In acting school I once said: "For God's sake, do not do anything, just wait." Well, Gary Cooper, for example, could very well do nothing.
You can not teach a person to be an actor, but you can make it so that people will teach himself.
You can rehearse the role hundreds of times, but you can just go out and play. I prefer the second.
The "switch" (Eastwood movie of the life of the 1920s. - Esquire) I tried to show that today can not be found anywhere else: the boy sitting in front of the radio and watching him. Just looking at the radio and listening to what it says. Everything else does his imagination.
Angelina Jolie is beautiful. It reminds me of the women of the forties - Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Ingrid Bergman. No, women today are just fine, but then they still had more personality.
Hollywood mired in plagiarism. Not so long ago came to me the people who asked if they could make a copy of my "Unforgiven." And it is absolutely fresh movie, 1992!
If all of these managers so important cinematic view of a store clerk from focus groups, let him film and shoots.
There are a lot of great movies that do not get the "Oscar».
The budgets of modern films so huge that the money is more than enough for you to grab a small country.
I was against sending troops to Iraq. Democracy can not be built overnight. This is something that people need to first believe yourself.
Politicians are divided into two categories: I-we-people and people. Barack Obama - it's me, man. He talks about bin Laden as if he shot him.
The modern politician is obliged to promise everything to everyone. Otherwise, it just did not elect.
We never forget that we just hire the politicians so that they served us.
To win the election - this is a bad good news (in 1986, Eastwood won the election for mayor of the Californian town of Carmel. - Esquire). Okay, you say yourself, the good news is that I'm the mayor. The bad news is that I'm the mayor.
In the words of Jerry Fielding (American musician and composer, 1922-1980. - Esquire), «we have achieved a lot - let's not destroy anything, too much thinking about it».
If I was good with all the self-organization, I'd have found myself in the music.
A time when every day I wanted to catch up on one occasion more than yesterday, passed. Now I only want to do what I think is necessary.
Today around me constantly weaves so many photographers that sometimes they surround me like a wall in a cheap motel.
It should be taken seriously in the work and not serious - to itself.
I love to work with those who do not need someone to prove something.
Over a lifetime, I have not met a single genius because genius, it seems to me - is the one who is good in that hates. Being successful and great in the fact that he likes, and everyone can.
Tomorrow gives no promises.