There is a connection between the low-frequency sound and the appearance of "ghosts"
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Most people have a hearing range between 20 and 20,000 Hz, and the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of this range. Perception of high frequencies may damage the eardrum, but these frequencies are rarely found in nature. However, the lower limit of the scale is widespread in our time. The sound of passing trains and the wind is blowing - it Ultra-low infrasound. Infrasound can affect the feelings of the people: in the 1960s. during the experiment, French researchers feel ear pain and increase feelings of anxiety.
Infrasound affects the human psyche. Participants of the experiment indicated that feel chills, unexplained sadness, and they felt that they were being someone watching. As if the sound is transmitted to the listener set of emotions and fears that are not his own. In addition, many of the hallucinations reported in the area of peripheral vision, which forced them to worry about what is happening around.
Here there is a theory that infrasound associated with the frequent occurrence of ghosts in places, as the impact of infrasound is similar to the sensation of the alleged presence of a ghost. The theory also explains why we are afraid of storms and other natural phenomena, low-frequency sounds that they produce cause to worry about their own survival.
The measurements were conducted in areas of frequent appearance of "ghosts", revealed the presence of infrasound, but Implemented experiments are not enough to convincingly explain the connection between these phenomena. The main idea is that humans evolved so that infrasound thanks in advance to feel the danger posed by natural phenomena such as avalanches or storms. However, for whatever reason, can not be denied that low frequency sound is a strange feeling in many people.
via factroom.ru

Most people have a hearing range between 20 and 20,000 Hz, and the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of this range. Perception of high frequencies may damage the eardrum, but these frequencies are rarely found in nature. However, the lower limit of the scale is widespread in our time. The sound of passing trains and the wind is blowing - it Ultra-low infrasound. Infrasound can affect the feelings of the people: in the 1960s. during the experiment, French researchers feel ear pain and increase feelings of anxiety.
Infrasound affects the human psyche. Participants of the experiment indicated that feel chills, unexplained sadness, and they felt that they were being someone watching. As if the sound is transmitted to the listener set of emotions and fears that are not his own. In addition, many of the hallucinations reported in the area of peripheral vision, which forced them to worry about what is happening around.
Here there is a theory that infrasound associated with the frequent occurrence of ghosts in places, as the impact of infrasound is similar to the sensation of the alleged presence of a ghost. The theory also explains why we are afraid of storms and other natural phenomena, low-frequency sounds that they produce cause to worry about their own survival.
The measurements were conducted in areas of frequent appearance of "ghosts", revealed the presence of infrasound, but Implemented experiments are not enough to convincingly explain the connection between these phenomena. The main idea is that humans evolved so that infrasound thanks in advance to feel the danger posed by natural phenomena such as avalanches or storms. However, for whatever reason, can not be denied that low frequency sound is a strange feeling in many people.
via factroom.ru
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