10 reasons why some people can not find a mate
Let's try to get to the bottom problemy
Everyone has friends who, despite the apparent positive attributes, somehow always unlucky in love. Or is it about you? .. In any case, the reasons for regular failures need not lie on the surface - let's try to get to the root of the problem.
1. People blur the boundaries of their own egoNaibolee common mistake - this is something that we are constantly losing our own ego border when in love. Generally, this is normal. You love a person so much that aspire to be with him in one piece, let him into all areas of their lives - and to get into it. But if you overdo it, you will become too dependent on the partner, and thus put at stake the integrity of the self.
Never forget: you - it is you and your loved one - an individual, keep reasonable limits.
2. People are too immersed in lyubovLyubov - eternal. But falling in love - the result of hormones, they give an initial push. Most people catches the "love" under the influence of hormones, and in a few weeks, these people are beginning to complain that "love has disappeared." Love does not disappear, disappearing fad. Love - it's hard work, and you get what you are giving.
Never forget: love and falling in love - not the same thing.
3. People do not express emotsiyKomok throat - this is normal when you are feeling overwhelmed. Make yourself vulnerable, daring to be honest. And you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Do not think that your partner and so should all understand: the expression of emotions - that's what comes from the heart to the heart.
Never forget: If you love someone, let's understand it on an emotional level.
4. People take pity for lyubovEsli someone comes to us and shares his sentimental story, we tend to sympathize with him. Loving these people - is also completely normal, but it should be a few times to check it: pity or is it love? Because love and compassion is very different emotions. If you love someone out of pity, the different kind of love or later evaporate.
Never forget: a pity - it is not love.
5. People are desperate to prove his lyubovKak you can prove something intangible? Many of us, being in love, desperately trying to prove to your partner that they love him madly, deeply, truly. We must care for each other and share feelings not by compulsion and not to prove something. Love - this is not a science that needs no proof. This is an abstract feeling.
Never forget love to feel, not argue.
6. People love to get a "status" Love - this is not the calculation, which takes into account all possible factors and make decisions. Love has always denied the social order. The greatest love stories are often accompanied by the greatest problems related to the rejection of others. If you calculate the profitable options, then your love is like a commercial transaction and, therefore, it is not love.
Never forget: love has nothing to do with the need for social approval.
7. People who have sedentary myshlenieVashi intelligent models should be subject to regular changes, the only way to understand the paradoxes of life. Low mobility of thinking will lead to its narrowness, which in turn will cause problems. If your thinking is constrained by the narrow limits, the relationship will not develop, and you will lose interest on the part of a loved one.
Never forget: the liveliness of thinking promotes love affection.
8. People are trying to fill their empty serdtsaLyubite yourself first and let love to cram yourself so that she could share with others. Empty heart - dependent and eager, loving heart, independent and complete.
Never forget: only filled with love hearts can share it.
9. People are trying to change partnёraPeremeny inevitable, but they occur gradually and not on the team. Fully rely on the process and expect that the partner will change - an obvious nonsense. Because love covers not only the advantages but also disadvantages. Let's not try to make perfect our partners, let us love them in all their imperfection
Never forget: the change - this is a personal commitment, it is impossible to enforce.
10. People desperately chasing lyubovyuEsli is not mutual, it is not love. So stop harassment and manipulation. Love - like a butterfly: while we chase after it, we do not catch it. And when we are busy with our own affairs, she sits quietly on us. Do what you love, and love - will come.
Never forget: to love is to chase.
via factroom.ru

Everyone has friends who, despite the apparent positive attributes, somehow always unlucky in love. Or is it about you? .. In any case, the reasons for regular failures need not lie on the surface - let's try to get to the root of the problem.
1. People blur the boundaries of their own egoNaibolee common mistake - this is something that we are constantly losing our own ego border when in love. Generally, this is normal. You love a person so much that aspire to be with him in one piece, let him into all areas of their lives - and to get into it. But if you overdo it, you will become too dependent on the partner, and thus put at stake the integrity of the self.
Never forget: you - it is you and your loved one - an individual, keep reasonable limits.
2. People are too immersed in lyubovLyubov - eternal. But falling in love - the result of hormones, they give an initial push. Most people catches the "love" under the influence of hormones, and in a few weeks, these people are beginning to complain that "love has disappeared." Love does not disappear, disappearing fad. Love - it's hard work, and you get what you are giving.
Never forget: love and falling in love - not the same thing.
3. People do not express emotsiyKomok throat - this is normal when you are feeling overwhelmed. Make yourself vulnerable, daring to be honest. And you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Do not think that your partner and so should all understand: the expression of emotions - that's what comes from the heart to the heart.
Never forget: If you love someone, let's understand it on an emotional level.

4. People take pity for lyubovEsli someone comes to us and shares his sentimental story, we tend to sympathize with him. Loving these people - is also completely normal, but it should be a few times to check it: pity or is it love? Because love and compassion is very different emotions. If you love someone out of pity, the different kind of love or later evaporate.
Never forget: a pity - it is not love.
5. People are desperate to prove his lyubovKak you can prove something intangible? Many of us, being in love, desperately trying to prove to your partner that they love him madly, deeply, truly. We must care for each other and share feelings not by compulsion and not to prove something. Love - this is not a science that needs no proof. This is an abstract feeling.
Never forget love to feel, not argue.
6. People love to get a "status" Love - this is not the calculation, which takes into account all possible factors and make decisions. Love has always denied the social order. The greatest love stories are often accompanied by the greatest problems related to the rejection of others. If you calculate the profitable options, then your love is like a commercial transaction and, therefore, it is not love.
Never forget: love has nothing to do with the need for social approval.
7. People who have sedentary myshlenieVashi intelligent models should be subject to regular changes, the only way to understand the paradoxes of life. Low mobility of thinking will lead to its narrowness, which in turn will cause problems. If your thinking is constrained by the narrow limits, the relationship will not develop, and you will lose interest on the part of a loved one.
Never forget: the liveliness of thinking promotes love affection.
8. People are trying to fill their empty serdtsaLyubite yourself first and let love to cram yourself so that she could share with others. Empty heart - dependent and eager, loving heart, independent and complete.
Never forget: only filled with love hearts can share it.

9. People are trying to change partnёraPeremeny inevitable, but they occur gradually and not on the team. Fully rely on the process and expect that the partner will change - an obvious nonsense. Because love covers not only the advantages but also disadvantages. Let's not try to make perfect our partners, let us love them in all their imperfection
Never forget: the change - this is a personal commitment, it is impossible to enforce.
10. People desperately chasing lyubovyuEsli is not mutual, it is not love. So stop harassment and manipulation. Love - like a butterfly: while we chase after it, we do not catch it. And when we are busy with our own affairs, she sits quietly on us. Do what you love, and love - will come.
Never forget: to love is to chase.
via factroom.ru