The fisherman thought he had the Salmon, and in fact he pulled something more frightening and dangerous
Fisherman Ben Stack (Ben Stack) calmly caught the fish themselves in the waters of Cape York Peninsula, northern Australia, when he felt that he did not hook something horrible. That "something" so hard pull-up that Ben really was thought that fish was stuck under a log or somewhere else. When he pulled closer, I noticed how the water glistens silver salmon scales, but it is easier to pull from that, he was gone. Pulling up production even closer, he saw a huge saltwater crocodile, teeth, clinging to the tail of the salmon. It was a very bad day for Ben, but even more unfortunate it was for salmon.
Fisherman Ben Stack, to shoot these amazing shots
Pulling the salmon out of the water, and Ben could not understand why he had so painstakingly drawn. Fisherman leaned over the side of the boat to get a closer look, what's going on in the water
To his horror, he discovered that the tail of the fish seized a huge saltwater crocodile. As soon as the fisherman knew who he was face to face, he immediately threw the bait and jumped to the other side of the boat
"I could not believe what I had just experienced, and I do not think that anyone will be able to trust me. Fortunately, I was able to make those shots, "- said Ben.
Fisherman Ben Stack, to shoot these amazing shots

Pulling the salmon out of the water, and Ben could not understand why he had so painstakingly drawn. Fisherman leaned over the side of the boat to get a closer look, what's going on in the water

To his horror, he discovered that the tail of the fish seized a huge saltwater crocodile. As soon as the fisherman knew who he was face to face, he immediately threw the bait and jumped to the other side of the boat

"I could not believe what I had just experienced, and I do not think that anyone will be able to trust me. Fortunately, I was able to make those shots, "- said Ben.