American fisherman caught the bait shark weighing 365 kg

American fisherman from the city of Milton, Florida, caught the bait of a giant shark-fin mako. The length of the sea predator was 3, 35 meters, and weight - 365 kg. This shark can be the biggest ever caught fish from the shore. To get the fish to the shore, a 29-year-old Joey Polk took chas.

Joey Polk, fisherman: "Even hooked, the shark is still moving at a speed of about 95 km per hour. I fish since childhood and knew immediately that the fish - awesome. But I never expected that it would be so big ».

Before you give up, the shark was able to pull from the reel more than 820 meters of fishing line. Polk said that usually releases the captured sharks back into the water, but the fish was greatly wounded and could not sail, so he took her with him and fed the fish meat of 200 of their neighbors. It is noteworthy that the previous record-breaking shark weighing 306 kg in 2003, caught the cousin Shelf, ITAR-TASS reported. Sam Polk in 2009 caught the world's largest tiger shark weighing 430 kg, but made it to the boat, not the bank.
Source: www.ntv.ru/novosti/922576/
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