Huge animals overgrown
Veteran Guinness Book of Records wore nickname Zeus and the title of the huge dog. Dog lived in Michigan and died of old age in just a few days before the date of the article in your room. 111 cm at the withers and weight 70 kg
The owner of British citizenship - meter rabbit Ralph to five years ate 25 kg of weight, so that, if the world were rabbits election, he would have chosen emperor. By the way, its parent, too, was listed in the Guinness Book, but my son has exceeded all expectations and hopes placed on him a loving mother.
In the English outback can find this ... Imagine 1100 kg mass moo! Bull Trigger - pet with a gentle disposition. Nobody does not occur to him to put under the knife, although initially it was such a fate and threatened him. Steer was an unwanted child in the family, and the owners were thinking to get rid of.
The child has no idea how it is called, that he holds in his hands. Or, on the contrary, it is holding the baby? Beetle Titan beetle is famous for centuries dimensions, and grow up to 16 cm is not a problem. Beetle lives in the tropics and completely not dangerous to humans. Repeat this to yourself, if you find such a bed.
Here it is, the giant African snail, the pride of his race, the decoration of the planet! At length the creation of God that respectfully referred Achatina achatina, can reach 25 cm. But this coquette found in the port of the Australian Brisbane. She huddled in a container one called a port cargo ships.
If you have a friend, a fisherman, in any case do not show him this picture. And if you're a fisherman himself - crepe. Because before you the world's biggest carp (vesoizmescheniem 113, 5 kg). Caught him inconspicuous Thai fisherman on - a sensation! - Home-made fishing rod.
But three other suspiciously lucky fishermen. They managed to catch per day of fishing in the Californian coast three solar perch. It is hardly necessary to explain to you what this incredible rarity and good luck. Each bass weighing 56 to 81 kg! Like a real woman!
We do not know Japanese, but we can assume that when fishermen caught Tottori Prefecture is a miracle, they shouted, "Wow!" And there because of what. According to scientists with a tape measure, the length of the giant squid is 3, 4 m! Our congratulations and condolences squid fishermen.
Before you one more argument in favor of unbearable garbage. Coconut Crab - one of the largest terrestrial arthropods. Unlike typical crab, he lives on land and can climb walls and trees. For a long time it was thought that the crab cuts the coconuts from palm trees, for which he was given the nickname "palm thief».
At first it seems that this photo from news agencies. This is actually a member of the family Megabat - flying foxes - in their natural habitat, the Malay Peninsula. Megabat can reach 42 cm in length and scope of their wings sometimes equals 1, 7 m. Therefore, they put admire and feed them, as shown in the photo.
Giant freshwater stingray in exceptional cases up to 4 meters in length, so that on the background of undersized Thai nationals ramp is particularly advantageous. It is a pity that this slope has become an endangered species.
Source: maximonline.ru

The owner of British citizenship - meter rabbit Ralph to five years ate 25 kg of weight, so that, if the world were rabbits election, he would have chosen emperor. By the way, its parent, too, was listed in the Guinness Book, but my son has exceeded all expectations and hopes placed on him a loving mother.

In the English outback can find this ... Imagine 1100 kg mass moo! Bull Trigger - pet with a gentle disposition. Nobody does not occur to him to put under the knife, although initially it was such a fate and threatened him. Steer was an unwanted child in the family, and the owners were thinking to get rid of.

The child has no idea how it is called, that he holds in his hands. Or, on the contrary, it is holding the baby? Beetle Titan beetle is famous for centuries dimensions, and grow up to 16 cm is not a problem. Beetle lives in the tropics and completely not dangerous to humans. Repeat this to yourself, if you find such a bed.

Here it is, the giant African snail, the pride of his race, the decoration of the planet! At length the creation of God that respectfully referred Achatina achatina, can reach 25 cm. But this coquette found in the port of the Australian Brisbane. She huddled in a container one called a port cargo ships.

If you have a friend, a fisherman, in any case do not show him this picture. And if you're a fisherman himself - crepe. Because before you the world's biggest carp (vesoizmescheniem 113, 5 kg). Caught him inconspicuous Thai fisherman on - a sensation! - Home-made fishing rod.

But three other suspiciously lucky fishermen. They managed to catch per day of fishing in the Californian coast three solar perch. It is hardly necessary to explain to you what this incredible rarity and good luck. Each bass weighing 56 to 81 kg! Like a real woman!

We do not know Japanese, but we can assume that when fishermen caught Tottori Prefecture is a miracle, they shouted, "Wow!" And there because of what. According to scientists with a tape measure, the length of the giant squid is 3, 4 m! Our congratulations and condolences squid fishermen.

Before you one more argument in favor of unbearable garbage. Coconut Crab - one of the largest terrestrial arthropods. Unlike typical crab, he lives on land and can climb walls and trees. For a long time it was thought that the crab cuts the coconuts from palm trees, for which he was given the nickname "palm thief».

At first it seems that this photo from news agencies. This is actually a member of the family Megabat - flying foxes - in their natural habitat, the Malay Peninsula. Megabat can reach 42 cm in length and scope of their wings sometimes equals 1, 7 m. Therefore, they put admire and feed them, as shown in the photo.

Giant freshwater stingray in exceptional cases up to 4 meters in length, so that on the background of undersized Thai nationals ramp is particularly advantageous. It is a pity that this slope has become an endangered species.

Source: maximonline.ru