7 Insidious products from there who wants more!
Have you ever noticed that consuming certain foods you even more begins to want to eat? If you did not notice, then watch for a the next time you eat one of the seven artful products that make you want to eat even more, even you ate, it would seem, already fed. Because products such tempting you overeat, so that your waist is expanding, and kilograms on the scales slowly but surely creeping up.
The chips contain a very large amount of salt: in one small bag there at 1 gram daily intake for a person to be 5 grams. As is known, the output salt retains excess fluid from the body, leading to edema, the accumulation of toxins in the body. Chips - this is also simple carbohydrates that are quickly digested, causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels and causing hunger.
What to do? If you give up on the chips can not, then cook them at home in the kitchen. So you can be sure the composition and do not add to the list of ingredients is nothing superfluous. Especially tasty potato chips are obtained from potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples and carrots.
Cola also is not the product that you can not afford, if you care about the health and figure. Artificial sweeteners, which are designed to reduce the calorie drink, on the contrary, provoking increased hunger. The fact that they are cheating areas of the brain and do not deliver the promised sugar in the body. So the desire to eat something sweet will not be lost.
What to do? If you live without Coke, you can not, try not to exceed the daily rate of 200 milliliters. And best try to move to a more useful and tasty drinks. For example, a smoothie.
Muesli bars
Although muesli bars on a wave of good nutrition have become very popular, there is not so rosy and serene. The mechanism of their effect on the body is the same as in the case of coke. Real sugar such bars do not give the body, and he begins to look for it on the side, increasing appetite and exacerbating hunger.
What to do? Not all the bars have a similar effect and openly teased body. There are options that make it the least. Prefer bars, made mainly from almonds or oatmeal. By the way, a good product should be not less than 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.
Alcoholic cocktails
It is no secret that the alcoholic drinks enough calories, and clearly not contribute to weight loss. In addition, they are responsible for the burning of appetite, and under the influence of spirits sometimes difficult to understand how much food do you need your body to make up the reserve. By the way, alcohol contributes to dehydration and thirst can often be mistaken for hunger.
What to do? Avoid sweet alcoholic beverages. It is better to prefer a glass of dry red wine, which will strengthen the cardiovascular system and improves memory. If you do plan to drink cocktails, take it a rule to drink a glass of water after every glass of alcohol.
Packaged soki
The juice from the package - this is one of the main enemies of the diet. Even if the manufacturer assures you that there is no sugar in it, believe me - it's there. And without a doubt, in large quantities. That is why packaged juices are a poor means of quenching thirst, but only strengthen it and increase the appetite for the company.
What to do? To compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They are far more vitamins and fiber, which is so necessary for normal functioning of the body.
Sushi and rolls
All lovers of Japanese cuisine to be careful with sushi and rolls, if there are problems with the figure. Particular attention should be paid to the soy sauce. That it is the main source of salts, and actively delays the excess fluid in the body. White rice is also not another slim figure. By the way, rolls calorie per serving is typically 400-500 calories and one-third of the daily diet of the average person.
What to do? Pay attention to other menu items. Miso soup and salad is also very good and tasty options to eat. Of course, entirely give up sushi and rolls is not necessary, but it is better to minimize their consumption and control the size and number of servings of soy sauce
Pasta flour
Flour and pasta from it - it is simple carbohydrates and calories. This product is cleared from almost all nutrients, so better to just remove it from the diet. After such a meal is, you want more and soon. This is hardly a good support for diet and weight loss.
What to do? Preference is given to pasta, which are made from durum wheat. It is important to remember that we should not at the same pitch in sauces. They are very high in calories. Cook the pasta with vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, sweet peppers

The chips contain a very large amount of salt: in one small bag there at 1 gram daily intake for a person to be 5 grams. As is known, the output salt retains excess fluid from the body, leading to edema, the accumulation of toxins in the body. Chips - this is also simple carbohydrates that are quickly digested, causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels and causing hunger.
What to do? If you give up on the chips can not, then cook them at home in the kitchen. So you can be sure the composition and do not add to the list of ingredients is nothing superfluous. Especially tasty potato chips are obtained from potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples and carrots.
Cola also is not the product that you can not afford, if you care about the health and figure. Artificial sweeteners, which are designed to reduce the calorie drink, on the contrary, provoking increased hunger. The fact that they are cheating areas of the brain and do not deliver the promised sugar in the body. So the desire to eat something sweet will not be lost.
What to do? If you live without Coke, you can not, try not to exceed the daily rate of 200 milliliters. And best try to move to a more useful and tasty drinks. For example, a smoothie.
Muesli bars

Although muesli bars on a wave of good nutrition have become very popular, there is not so rosy and serene. The mechanism of their effect on the body is the same as in the case of coke. Real sugar such bars do not give the body, and he begins to look for it on the side, increasing appetite and exacerbating hunger.
What to do? Not all the bars have a similar effect and openly teased body. There are options that make it the least. Prefer bars, made mainly from almonds or oatmeal. By the way, a good product should be not less than 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.
Alcoholic cocktails

It is no secret that the alcoholic drinks enough calories, and clearly not contribute to weight loss. In addition, they are responsible for the burning of appetite, and under the influence of spirits sometimes difficult to understand how much food do you need your body to make up the reserve. By the way, alcohol contributes to dehydration and thirst can often be mistaken for hunger.
What to do? Avoid sweet alcoholic beverages. It is better to prefer a glass of dry red wine, which will strengthen the cardiovascular system and improves memory. If you do plan to drink cocktails, take it a rule to drink a glass of water after every glass of alcohol.
Packaged soki

The juice from the package - this is one of the main enemies of the diet. Even if the manufacturer assures you that there is no sugar in it, believe me - it's there. And without a doubt, in large quantities. That is why packaged juices are a poor means of quenching thirst, but only strengthen it and increase the appetite for the company.
What to do? To compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They are far more vitamins and fiber, which is so necessary for normal functioning of the body.
Sushi and rolls

All lovers of Japanese cuisine to be careful with sushi and rolls, if there are problems with the figure. Particular attention should be paid to the soy sauce. That it is the main source of salts, and actively delays the excess fluid in the body. White rice is also not another slim figure. By the way, rolls calorie per serving is typically 400-500 calories and one-third of the daily diet of the average person.
What to do? Pay attention to other menu items. Miso soup and salad is also very good and tasty options to eat. Of course, entirely give up sushi and rolls is not necessary, but it is better to minimize their consumption and control the size and number of servings of soy sauce
Pasta flour
Flour and pasta from it - it is simple carbohydrates and calories. This product is cleared from almost all nutrients, so better to just remove it from the diet. After such a meal is, you want more and soon. This is hardly a good support for diet and weight loss.
What to do? Preference is given to pasta, which are made from durum wheat. It is important to remember that we should not at the same pitch in sauces. They are very high in calories. Cook the pasta with vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, sweet peppers
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