When these people who grew up in the 90s, we learned about what is sung in the beloved "Macarena", they took away the power of speech ...
Motley 90s ... What nostalgia in these words! Western culture rapidly broke into the gray everyday life of residents of the former Soviet Union and has faced a wave of freedom and permissiveness.
I do not know you, but I have very vivid memories of music and cause odors. There is hardly a man who never in his life did not shout in all throat "Macarena", dancing barefoot under the fiery rhythms of the famous hit. Only then few of us know what is sung in the popular Spanish song.
Childhood these guys just fell down at screaming at 90th. All of them then, and small greenbacks could not make out the words of a smash hit. Foreign entertainment channel gave them to listen to the text of immutable hit «Macarena» and find out what did he. To say that these guys and girls were shocked - to say nothing. Yeah, the wedding is not exactly necessary to include this song ...
It turns out that in the "Macarena" is sung izmenschitsa, that ushered her boyfriend out of the house and decided to have fun with his two best friends.
But, strictly speaking, the unforgettable song:
It's crazy, and it's all under we danced in childhood! One participant of the experiment even admitted that he once heard this song in the church. And she says she does not think, does not wondered what Macarena - a girl's name. Share this sensational discovery with their friends.
I do not know you, but I have very vivid memories of music and cause odors. There is hardly a man who never in his life did not shout in all throat "Macarena", dancing barefoot under the fiery rhythms of the famous hit. Only then few of us know what is sung in the popular Spanish song.
Childhood these guys just fell down at screaming at 90th. All of them then, and small greenbacks could not make out the words of a smash hit. Foreign entertainment channel gave them to listen to the text of immutable hit «Macarena» and find out what did he. To say that these guys and girls were shocked - to say nothing. Yeah, the wedding is not exactly necessary to include this song ...
It turns out that in the "Macarena" is sung izmenschitsa, that ushered her boyfriend out of the house and decided to have fun with his two best friends.
But, strictly speaking, the unforgettable song:
It's crazy, and it's all under we danced in childhood! One participant of the experiment even admitted that he once heard this song in the church. And she says she does not think, does not wondered what Macarena - a girl's name. Share this sensational discovery with their friends.
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