The recipe cookie dearest in the world. These teddy bears even a sorry!
Maa Tamagosan - Japanese chefs working today in France. She created a cookie recipe that is so sweet that even a pity it is! These pechenyushki look like little teddy bears that are holding the nuts. Fortunately, Maa posted not only pictures of this cookie, but their recipe for cooking. It is very simple, but you still need formochka a teddy bear.
110 g flour 20 g of potato starch 40 g sugar syrup 10 g of honey 30 g vegetable oil nuts a pinch of salt a pinch of cinnamon a pinch of cocoa powder Preparation:
1. In a separate bowl, mix flour, potato starch, salt and cinnamon.
2. In another container pour sugar syrup, honey and vegetable oil.
3. Connect the contents of both the basin and knead a dough spatula or spoon.
4. Roll out the dough.
5. Cut out from the dough sheet bears with special molds.
6. Make holes for the eyes and nose.
7. Put the cubs on the stomach nuts.
8. Bend your legs bear as if he is holding a nut. Then gently press to fix it.
9. Preheat the oven to 160 ° C and bake the cookies for 10 minutes.
Voila! Cookies ready. By adding a little imagination, these bears can be converted to the pandas. You only need to make a glaze of cocoa powder, mix it with honey, and paint this mixture eyes, ears, nose and the tips of the tines of the future Panda.
Tell your friends how you can make such amazing mishutok home!
via takprosto cc

110 g flour 20 g of potato starch 40 g sugar syrup 10 g of honey 30 g vegetable oil nuts a pinch of salt a pinch of cinnamon a pinch of cocoa powder Preparation:
1. In a separate bowl, mix flour, potato starch, salt and cinnamon.
2. In another container pour sugar syrup, honey and vegetable oil.
3. Connect the contents of both the basin and knead a dough spatula or spoon.
4. Roll out the dough.
5. Cut out from the dough sheet bears with special molds.
6. Make holes for the eyes and nose.
7. Put the cubs on the stomach nuts.
8. Bend your legs bear as if he is holding a nut. Then gently press to fix it.
9. Preheat the oven to 160 ° C and bake the cookies for 10 minutes.

Voila! Cookies ready. By adding a little imagination, these bears can be converted to the pandas. You only need to make a glaze of cocoa powder, mix it with honey, and paint this mixture eyes, ears, nose and the tips of the tines of the future Panda.
Tell your friends how you can make such amazing mishutok home!
via takprosto cc
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