Do you want to change the world - change myself! Change your life for the better in just 4 weeks.
Even if you are not very happy with your life and what's happening to you at the moment - that's no reason to lose heart and despair. There are many ways to make their lives better. You can start to play sports, you can move to another city, make new friends, lose weight ... have endlessly enumerate all the options that make your life can change. There are so many that could not help think - why in the world are still so many desperate and frustrated people forever? Is it effective are these recommendations?
The answer is - to change themselves and the world around us, we must choose a plan that suits you individually. Then the result will be. Just because you genuinely like it, found an echo in your soul, and the truth will work. These tips about how to change drastically their lives for 4 weeks - for anyone who does not like to go to extremes, and accustomed to think rationally. You need every week to perform three tasks to get closer to the goal to make your life more harmonious. Read them and try to figure out whether you fit this technique. It may be that this is exactly what you do not have enough!
The first week of
1. Get up early. Make it a habit to wake up earlier than the time at least an hour. When not in a hurry, stress in life becomes much less. Morning - a good time to relax, gather your thoughts, tune in for the next day. Laziness, unwillingness to get up early - this is not an indicator of fatigue. This is an indication that you do not want to live my life.
2. Eat consciously. Make sure that what you eat. Every time you take something to eat, ask yourself a simple question: I really want to eat it? It will be useful for me? Did I really want to eat here's this huge piece of chocolate, knowing its composition? Or restrict myself to a small piece? You can not imagine how much better you will become to feel when you stop to use a different form of trash in fatty foods, convenience foods, chips and sweets ... Drinking and smoking also try to eliminate or reduce to a minimum. To change your life, you need strength and health, because they have not taken away the body through junk food. Eat what is useful and tasty, getting pleasure from food.
3. Whether sports. to move more. For a long time you want to start doing exercises in the morning or in earnest to do yoga? Right now. Running, swimming, anything - all it activates your body and help you to be in good shape, it is better to think, to work, to feel strong and confident person. Movement - that's life!
The second week of
1. Clear the space. In other words, throw out of the house the old, unwanted things. It will become easier to breathe even in the literal sense. To bring something new in your life, you first need to get rid of the old. This simple truth is working wonderfully. Cleaning, real, high-quality - works better than any meditation. As a result, you will see how to fill new strength and joy, watching the procedure at home.
2. Do business. Instead of having to speculate how much remains to be done internally and horrified about it - take it and do it. Do not put off. It takes a lot of your energy, outstanding business and go over your heels. Deal with them and see how easy it would be to your liking.
3. Watch for those with whom you communicate. Minimize contact with people who do not bring you joy. If you are someone annoys you test negative, talking to him - why do it? It would be better, and you and this man. Break the relationship that you and harass you for a long time you want them to stop. This will attract new, interesting people in your life with whom you are on the same wavelength.
The third week of
1. Write, and execute plans. What exists on paper - must be translated into reality. Cleverly making plans means that you will not forget anything important, no matter and the possibility will not be missed. Try to plan your day on paper - it's so convenient and efficient.
2. Make a list of incredible dreams. Write a list of your dreams that never come true. Well, such steep and so exorbitant that their performance is not very hard to believe. This is a great exercise that extends your border. Allowed himself to dream, you discover new horizons in front of him. What will be your surprise when dreams will come true ... Believe me, nothing is impossible. Give your dreams a chance to be fulfilled.
3. Summing up the results. Analyze how and what you're doing. Make sure that you grow, some positive changes have occurred in your life. If you'll notice the changes in themselves and in the surrounding reality, the process of changing life will go even faster!
The fourth week of
1. Try new. The most that neither is the little things. Go to work the new road. Come into unfamiliar cafes or very expensive store. Try a new sport. Try to do what you've never done. Every day, doing the usual things, ask yourself - right now I can do a little bit differently? We need to create the habit of trying new things, gradually leave the beaten path.
2. Be fearless. Try not to be afraid of where you used to trot. Afraid of heights? You can deal with this fear! Are you afraid of public speaking? Learn to overcome your fear and speak openly with people. This is called - a way out of their comfort zone. The only way possible to self-improvement.
3. Get some rest. Relax fully, because it is important not only to work but also rest. Relax, meditate, be in nature, rejoice detail. Without rest your strength and motivation to do better life quickly runs out. Do not let this and in every way make up for its resources.
It seems that it is so difficult - to live by following these rules. It is only at first glance so. You can always make something of themselves in any direction of positive change in your life, adjust so that it is right for you. If you practice these things with pleasure - they will bear fruit and will change your life exactly as you want.
Share these secrets for change with their favorite friends. Start your way to a new life with enthusiasm and friendly support!
via takprosto cc
The answer is - to change themselves and the world around us, we must choose a plan that suits you individually. Then the result will be. Just because you genuinely like it, found an echo in your soul, and the truth will work. These tips about how to change drastically their lives for 4 weeks - for anyone who does not like to go to extremes, and accustomed to think rationally. You need every week to perform three tasks to get closer to the goal to make your life more harmonious. Read them and try to figure out whether you fit this technique. It may be that this is exactly what you do not have enough!
The first week of
1. Get up early. Make it a habit to wake up earlier than the time at least an hour. When not in a hurry, stress in life becomes much less. Morning - a good time to relax, gather your thoughts, tune in for the next day. Laziness, unwillingness to get up early - this is not an indicator of fatigue. This is an indication that you do not want to live my life.
2. Eat consciously. Make sure that what you eat. Every time you take something to eat, ask yourself a simple question: I really want to eat it? It will be useful for me? Did I really want to eat here's this huge piece of chocolate, knowing its composition? Or restrict myself to a small piece? You can not imagine how much better you will become to feel when you stop to use a different form of trash in fatty foods, convenience foods, chips and sweets ... Drinking and smoking also try to eliminate or reduce to a minimum. To change your life, you need strength and health, because they have not taken away the body through junk food. Eat what is useful and tasty, getting pleasure from food.
3. Whether sports. to move more. For a long time you want to start doing exercises in the morning or in earnest to do yoga? Right now. Running, swimming, anything - all it activates your body and help you to be in good shape, it is better to think, to work, to feel strong and confident person. Movement - that's life!
The second week of
1. Clear the space. In other words, throw out of the house the old, unwanted things. It will become easier to breathe even in the literal sense. To bring something new in your life, you first need to get rid of the old. This simple truth is working wonderfully. Cleaning, real, high-quality - works better than any meditation. As a result, you will see how to fill new strength and joy, watching the procedure at home.
2. Do business. Instead of having to speculate how much remains to be done internally and horrified about it - take it and do it. Do not put off. It takes a lot of your energy, outstanding business and go over your heels. Deal with them and see how easy it would be to your liking.
3. Watch for those with whom you communicate. Minimize contact with people who do not bring you joy. If you are someone annoys you test negative, talking to him - why do it? It would be better, and you and this man. Break the relationship that you and harass you for a long time you want them to stop. This will attract new, interesting people in your life with whom you are on the same wavelength.
The third week of
1. Write, and execute plans. What exists on paper - must be translated into reality. Cleverly making plans means that you will not forget anything important, no matter and the possibility will not be missed. Try to plan your day on paper - it's so convenient and efficient.
2. Make a list of incredible dreams. Write a list of your dreams that never come true. Well, such steep and so exorbitant that their performance is not very hard to believe. This is a great exercise that extends your border. Allowed himself to dream, you discover new horizons in front of him. What will be your surprise when dreams will come true ... Believe me, nothing is impossible. Give your dreams a chance to be fulfilled.
3. Summing up the results. Analyze how and what you're doing. Make sure that you grow, some positive changes have occurred in your life. If you'll notice the changes in themselves and in the surrounding reality, the process of changing life will go even faster!
The fourth week of
1. Try new. The most that neither is the little things. Go to work the new road. Come into unfamiliar cafes or very expensive store. Try a new sport. Try to do what you've never done. Every day, doing the usual things, ask yourself - right now I can do a little bit differently? We need to create the habit of trying new things, gradually leave the beaten path.
2. Be fearless. Try not to be afraid of where you used to trot. Afraid of heights? You can deal with this fear! Are you afraid of public speaking? Learn to overcome your fear and speak openly with people. This is called - a way out of their comfort zone. The only way possible to self-improvement.
3. Get some rest. Relax fully, because it is important not only to work but also rest. Relax, meditate, be in nature, rejoice detail. Without rest your strength and motivation to do better life quickly runs out. Do not let this and in every way make up for its resources.
It seems that it is so difficult - to live by following these rules. It is only at first glance so. You can always make something of themselves in any direction of positive change in your life, adjust so that it is right for you. If you practice these things with pleasure - they will bear fruit and will change your life exactly as you want.
Share these secrets for change with their favorite friends. Start your way to a new life with enthusiasm and friendly support!
via takprosto cc
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