This unique invention is useful not only sweet tooth ... What does it do - brilliant!
Sometimes it is hard to resist not to eat one cookie, followed by another and another. After that there is only a bad feeling because you ate too much. Recently invented a gadget for the kitchen Safe helps solve this problem. He closes the sweetness of you that you did not abuse sweet. It acts as a temporary stop sugar.
This safe is equipped with a lock and a timer. You can put a timer on a few minutes or a few days. The box does not open ahead of time. This technology is suitable for those who are watching their figures, and adheres to a diet.
If you think you have enough willpower to keep himself from yet another cookie, you're wrong. But with this gadget you can be sure that you eat too much does not work.
In this safe you can store not only the food, you can also shut down your smartphone, cigarettes and toys, if you're trying to overcome their dependence.
This gadget can be very helpful in the process of forming his own willpower or parenting. And yet it is indispensable for those who are trying to diet, but it is not obtained because of the craving for sweetie.
Tell your friends about this wonderful gadget!
via takprosto cc
This safe is equipped with a lock and a timer. You can put a timer on a few minutes or a few days. The box does not open ahead of time. This technology is suitable for those who are watching their figures, and adheres to a diet.

If you think you have enough willpower to keep himself from yet another cookie, you're wrong. But with this gadget you can be sure that you eat too much does not work.
In this safe you can store not only the food, you can also shut down your smartphone, cigarettes and toys, if you're trying to overcome their dependence.

This gadget can be very helpful in the process of forming his own willpower or parenting. And yet it is indispensable for those who are trying to diet, but it is not obtained because of the craving for sweetie.
Tell your friends about this wonderful gadget!
via takprosto cc
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