One simple remedy has 10 ways to use. An indispensable thing in the house!
Coconut oil - it is a miracle product that we presented to Mother Nature. It is made without the use of a variety of flavors, fragrances, thickeners, dyes, and other "chemistry." Coconut oil does not need harmful additives, as it is so rich in nutrients that are laid in the very nature of it. This oil is used not only for cosmetic purposes, as many believe. We suggest you learn about 10 ways to use coconut oil, known not for everyone.
1. The use of coconut oil as a mask before washing the head helps to get rid of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo. To do this for half an hour before washing your hair should be rubbed into the scalp a small amount of coconut oil. We perform this procedure twice a week.
2. If you are prone to allergies or you have sensitive, dry skin, it is better way than coconut oil you will not find. It is a completely natural product that can deal with various skin problems. This tool is also moisturizes the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Just try it!
3. In winter and stuffy rooms people often dry and cracked lips. You work a miracle if nanesesh them a little coconut oil.
4. If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, the best way to combat it is coconut oil. One of the causes of hair loss - the presence of bacteria on the scalp. Coconut oil reduces hair loss due to the content of lauric and capric acids having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with a small amount of yogurt and a little heated in a water bath. Apply on the scalp for two hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with cool water.
5. During the summer, coconut oil can be used as an excellent protection against UV rays. If you put it all over the body, the tan will fall smoothly and beautifully.
6. Coconut oil strengthens the hair, penetrating into the middle of the hair shaft. It also moisturizes them before washing the shampoo. Apply this oil on dry hair at night, put on the head with a shower cap and so go to sleep. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
7. It is a miracle tool can easily help with small cuts or abrasions, because it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Coconut oil supports the natural healing process of the skin and prevents scarring as possible.
8. Coconut oil is excellent removes makeup residues after washing. It serves as a good alternative to cosmetic products from the supermarket. Apply a little melted butter on a cotton swab, wipe the face and then dab it with a napkin. It is excellent for dry and sensitive skin.
9. If your dog often picks up ticks or fleas, you can rub her hair a little coconut oil. The original coat of your pet may seem to you a little bit fat, but it will soon pass. Also, the animal's hair will eventually look more groomed, which is very important for anyone who carries dog exhibitions.
10. Food Coconut oil is very good in detoxifying the body. Use it instead of butter for seven days and you will notice a positive result.
Coconut oil - is an indispensable tool that can be used in all areas of life, so it should be in every home.
Share information about the miracle tool with friends. It is certainly useful to them.
via takprosto cc

1. The use of coconut oil as a mask before washing the head helps to get rid of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo. To do this for half an hour before washing your hair should be rubbed into the scalp a small amount of coconut oil. We perform this procedure twice a week.
2. If you are prone to allergies or you have sensitive, dry skin, it is better way than coconut oil you will not find. It is a completely natural product that can deal with various skin problems. This tool is also moisturizes the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Just try it!
3. In winter and stuffy rooms people often dry and cracked lips. You work a miracle if nanesesh them a little coconut oil.
4. If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, the best way to combat it is coconut oil. One of the causes of hair loss - the presence of bacteria on the scalp. Coconut oil reduces hair loss due to the content of lauric and capric acids having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with a small amount of yogurt and a little heated in a water bath. Apply on the scalp for two hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with cool water.
5. During the summer, coconut oil can be used as an excellent protection against UV rays. If you put it all over the body, the tan will fall smoothly and beautifully.

6. Coconut oil strengthens the hair, penetrating into the middle of the hair shaft. It also moisturizes them before washing the shampoo. Apply this oil on dry hair at night, put on the head with a shower cap and so go to sleep. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
7. It is a miracle tool can easily help with small cuts or abrasions, because it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Coconut oil supports the natural healing process of the skin and prevents scarring as possible.
8. Coconut oil is excellent removes makeup residues after washing. It serves as a good alternative to cosmetic products from the supermarket. Apply a little melted butter on a cotton swab, wipe the face and then dab it with a napkin. It is excellent for dry and sensitive skin.
9. If your dog often picks up ticks or fleas, you can rub her hair a little coconut oil. The original coat of your pet may seem to you a little bit fat, but it will soon pass. Also, the animal's hair will eventually look more groomed, which is very important for anyone who carries dog exhibitions.
10. Food Coconut oil is very good in detoxifying the body. Use it instead of butter for seven days and you will notice a positive result.
Coconut oil - is an indispensable tool that can be used in all areas of life, so it should be in every home.
Share information about the miracle tool with friends. It is certainly useful to them.
via takprosto cc
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