The recipe for the perfect cheese Easter. This yummy you have not tried it!
Easter, many associated not only with colored eggs and Easter cakes, but also with cheese Easter. Today .cc has prepared for you a wonderful recipe for cheese Easter. It is very light, but the dish turns out very tasty and tender. A big plus of this recipe is that the curd Easter do not even need to bake!
800 g of cottage cheese; 2 tbsp. sugar; 100 g butter; half a cup of sour cream; half a cup peeled and chopped almonds; 5 eggs; li > raisins; a half hours. l. salt. Preparation:
1. Wipe the curd through a sieve several times, and then mix it with sour cream.
2. mash the butter with the sugar, gradually adding the eggs. The sugar should be fully dissolved in the mixture. Mix together with a finished weight of the cheese, add pre-washed and dried raisins and almonds.
3. The basis laid out in a specially prepared form and tamp thoroughly Passover some weight. Put it in the refrigerator for at least a day.
4. After this, you can easily spread the curd Easter on a plate. Then decorate the cream with the sugar, nuts, candied fruit or raisins.
Try to cook Easter cottage cheese for this recipe and you will cook it that way always, because it turns out very tender, juicy and delicious! The very delicious.
Your friends will appreciate this recipe is also appreciated!
via takprosto cc
800 g of cottage cheese; 2 tbsp. sugar; 100 g butter; half a cup of sour cream; half a cup peeled and chopped almonds; 5 eggs; li > raisins; a half hours. l. salt. Preparation:
1. Wipe the curd through a sieve several times, and then mix it with sour cream.
2. mash the butter with the sugar, gradually adding the eggs. The sugar should be fully dissolved in the mixture. Mix together with a finished weight of the cheese, add pre-washed and dried raisins and almonds.
3. The basis laid out in a specially prepared form and tamp thoroughly Passover some weight. Put it in the refrigerator for at least a day.
4. After this, you can easily spread the curd Easter on a plate. Then decorate the cream with the sugar, nuts, candied fruit or raisins.

Try to cook Easter cottage cheese for this recipe and you will cook it that way always, because it turns out very tender, juicy and delicious! The very delicious.
Your friends will appreciate this recipe is also appreciated!
via takprosto cc
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