45 lessons of 90-year old woman, over which time has no power. Do it!
Regina Brett - a woman who at 45 knew how to live, to be happy. Because of this she lived for another 45 years, and 90 years of age felt great and looked irresistible. There are people whose wisdom and amazing crazy. Sometimes a little kid voices of truth, from which the hair stand on end. And you think: why in a small head was born a simple logical conclusion, and large heads of adults that did not happen? But, fortunately, there are still adults who understand the obvious and can not be malign influence of stereotypes imposed by society. Statements of this intelligent woman - an example for all who are accustomed to complicate your life and go in a whirlpool unrestrained unconsciousness. Listen to these wise thoughts, it can change your attitude towards many things ...
1. Life is not fair, but it is good no matter what.
2. When in doubt, make another small step forward and see what happens next.
3. Life is short, death is inevitable. Spend your days on hatred - is meaningless.
4. When you get sick, you will only be able to help loved ones - parents, relatives, friends. Work will not take care of you. Prices human relations.
5. At the time pay the debts on credit cards.
6. Winning the argument is not required. Just to agree or disagree, that's your right.
7. If you want to cry, do it together with my boyfriend. Injustice, shared with the other - half injustice.
8. You may be angry at God, he still will understand you.
9. Begin to save for retirement with your first paycheck.
10. To resist sweets is meaningless, but maybe.
11. reconcile with the past, to be happy in the present.
12. Crying in the presence of her child - is not a sin.
13. Cease to compare their lives with someone else! Strange situation - darkness.
14. If the relationship should be a secret, you should not participate in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But God will not forsake you.
16. Deep breath calms the mind.
17. On the whole, which is not useful, beautiful or funny, are disposed with no regrets.
18. What does not kill you, makes you stronger.
19. You can have a happy childhood at any age. But second childhood depends on you!
20. Make sure that what you really love in this life.
21. Do not keep for a special occasion. A special case - it is today.
22. Prepare an excess, then come what may.
23. Be eccentric now not to wear outrageous fashions in old age.
25. You yourself are responsible for your happiness.
26. In any difficult situation, ask yourself: will it be so important in 5 years?
27. Choose life, it is you alone.
28. Farewell, and you too will be forgiven.
29. You should not worry about what others think.
30. Time heals, no matter how you resisted.
31. Everything changes. The situation is good or bad, it will change.
32. Do not take yourself seriously.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you just because he - God.
35. Will you do in life as much as have time. Do not try to explore life.
36 is old - much better than dying young.
37. Do your children have only one future.
38. It makes sense only love.
39. Go out for a walk more often. Miracles happen all the time.
40. If you could compare other people's problems with her, you would have chosen his.
41. Envy - something that is not worth wasting time.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel bad. Get up, get dressed and be among the people.
44. The Concede.
45. Though life and not in a nice wrapper, still it is a gift.
It would seem that there is nothing easier these rules. Their implementation is natural for many people, and they are happy ... Everyone chooses for himself how he build a life. Responsibility for the state in which you are, talking about just you. Remember the time at least some of the wise counsel, and everything will fall into place. There is nothing worse than a man who lives his life without thinking about how it does it. You live only once, so try to do it with dignity - whether he is happy, and help attain this happiness to others, be useful. This old lady know what he is talking ...
via takprosto cc
1. Life is not fair, but it is good no matter what.
2. When in doubt, make another small step forward and see what happens next.
3. Life is short, death is inevitable. Spend your days on hatred - is meaningless.
4. When you get sick, you will only be able to help loved ones - parents, relatives, friends. Work will not take care of you. Prices human relations.
5. At the time pay the debts on credit cards.
6. Winning the argument is not required. Just to agree or disagree, that's your right.
7. If you want to cry, do it together with my boyfriend. Injustice, shared with the other - half injustice.
8. You may be angry at God, he still will understand you.
9. Begin to save for retirement with your first paycheck.
10. To resist sweets is meaningless, but maybe.
11. reconcile with the past, to be happy in the present.
12. Crying in the presence of her child - is not a sin.
13. Cease to compare their lives with someone else! Strange situation - darkness.
14. If the relationship should be a secret, you should not participate in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But God will not forsake you.

16. Deep breath calms the mind.
17. On the whole, which is not useful, beautiful or funny, are disposed with no regrets.
18. What does not kill you, makes you stronger.
19. You can have a happy childhood at any age. But second childhood depends on you!
20. Make sure that what you really love in this life.
21. Do not keep for a special occasion. A special case - it is today.
22. Prepare an excess, then come what may.
23. Be eccentric now not to wear outrageous fashions in old age.

25. You yourself are responsible for your happiness.
26. In any difficult situation, ask yourself: will it be so important in 5 years?
27. Choose life, it is you alone.
28. Farewell, and you too will be forgiven.
29. You should not worry about what others think.
30. Time heals, no matter how you resisted.
31. Everything changes. The situation is good or bad, it will change.
32. Do not take yourself seriously.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you just because he - God.
35. Will you do in life as much as have time. Do not try to explore life.
36 is old - much better than dying young.
37. Do your children have only one future.
38. It makes sense only love.
39. Go out for a walk more often. Miracles happen all the time.
40. If you could compare other people's problems with her, you would have chosen his.
41. Envy - something that is not worth wasting time.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel bad. Get up, get dressed and be among the people.
44. The Concede.
45. Though life and not in a nice wrapper, still it is a gift.
It would seem that there is nothing easier these rules. Their implementation is natural for many people, and they are happy ... Everyone chooses for himself how he build a life. Responsibility for the state in which you are, talking about just you. Remember the time at least some of the wise counsel, and everything will fall into place. There is nothing worse than a man who lives his life without thinking about how it does it. You live only once, so try to do it with dignity - whether he is happy, and help attain this happiness to others, be useful. This old lady know what he is talking ...
via takprosto cc
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