Folk remedies for the purification of the vessels. Everything you need, you are always at your fingertips!
We will not discover America if we recall that the pure blood - the key to good health of the whole organism. However, on the walls of blood vessels often deposited our cholesterol and salts of which are formed atherosclerotic plaques. It is known that vessels supply necessary oxygen all cells and tissues of the body. This means that the occlusion of the arteries and veins can lead to many diseases.
To effectively clean the vessels and to be healthy, not necessarily apply to expensive pharmaceutical drugs. Even from those products that exist in the kitchen each, you can cook incomparable means to facilitate the purification of the vessels. Try to cook them at home: it does not require much effort, but the body exactly say thank you.
The infusion of garlic and lemon
1. Take four medium garlic cloves, divided them into cloves and cleanse.
2. Four strong ripe lemon thoroughly wash and we shall cut arbitrary chunks (no need to remove the peel).
3. Then, prepared lemon and garlic need to mince or chop in a blender until a homogeneous slurry.
4. shift the lemon-garlic mixture in a three-liter jar, zaley warm water, cover and put in a dark place for three days.
5. Every day mix the contents of the banks.
6. Three days later, strain the infusion, pour into a jar with an airtight lid and refrigerate.
7. Take half a cup of infusion three times a day for 20 minutes before a meal. The recommended duration of the course of purification is about forty days.
Note: because this infusion can not be stored for long periods, do not forget to update the contents of the bank every 6-7 days!
agent for vascular elasticity
1. Choose two strong lemon, rinse thoroughly with running water, we shall cut slices without removing the skin.
2. Pull it all through a meat grinder.
3. In the pulp of lemons add 2 tbsp. l. honey (it must be of high quality, produced from the nectar instead of sugar!), mix well.
4. shift the mixture in a glass jar and put in a dark place.
5. In a day you can already take the resulting "elixir of health" for 2-3 hours. L. before each meal. The duration of intake of this tool - to obtain the desired results.
We hope these simple folk remedies will help you prevent many diseases. By the way, preventive cleaning of vessels is useful not only for older people, but also to all who think about their health. Unfavorable ecological environment, frequent headaches, excess weight, chronic fatigue - factors influencing the bad state of the blood. Remember that clean vessels - the foundation of a healthy body. It's time to strengthen it!
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via takprosto cc
To effectively clean the vessels and to be healthy, not necessarily apply to expensive pharmaceutical drugs. Even from those products that exist in the kitchen each, you can cook incomparable means to facilitate the purification of the vessels. Try to cook them at home: it does not require much effort, but the body exactly say thank you.
The infusion of garlic and lemon
1. Take four medium garlic cloves, divided them into cloves and cleanse.
2. Four strong ripe lemon thoroughly wash and we shall cut arbitrary chunks (no need to remove the peel).
3. Then, prepared lemon and garlic need to mince or chop in a blender until a homogeneous slurry.
4. shift the lemon-garlic mixture in a three-liter jar, zaley warm water, cover and put in a dark place for three days.
5. Every day mix the contents of the banks.
6. Three days later, strain the infusion, pour into a jar with an airtight lid and refrigerate.
7. Take half a cup of infusion three times a day for 20 minutes before a meal. The recommended duration of the course of purification is about forty days.
Note: because this infusion can not be stored for long periods, do not forget to update the contents of the bank every 6-7 days!
agent for vascular elasticity
1. Choose two strong lemon, rinse thoroughly with running water, we shall cut slices without removing the skin.
2. Pull it all through a meat grinder.
3. In the pulp of lemons add 2 tbsp. l. honey (it must be of high quality, produced from the nectar instead of sugar!), mix well.
4. shift the mixture in a glass jar and put in a dark place.
5. In a day you can already take the resulting "elixir of health" for 2-3 hours. L. before each meal. The duration of intake of this tool - to obtain the desired results.
We hope these simple folk remedies will help you prevent many diseases. By the way, preventive cleaning of vessels is useful not only for older people, but also to all who think about their health. Unfavorable ecological environment, frequent headaches, excess weight, chronic fatigue - factors influencing the bad state of the blood. Remember that clean vessels - the foundation of a healthy body. It's time to strengthen it!
Share these helpful recipes with all your friends!
via takprosto cc
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