After this article you will want to immediately clean your mobile from bacteria!
If you look at your mobile phone, you will see fingerprints on the screen, small dust particles and crumbs. It looks harmless enough, since we use a cell constant, and keep it clean does not always work. But recent studies have shown that mobile devices on the surface accumulates huge quantity of microbes. Most of them are not dangerous, but some can cause serious diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and osteomyelitis. Staphylococcus aureus is found on the machine, it may lead to skin infections. Give at least once a week while cleaning his "pocket friend", and then the risk of disease significantly reduced.
clean the phone - it's a tough thing to be very careful. Before you clean the phone, disconnect it. Take a microfiber cloth (it can be purchased at hardware store or fiber), soak the area with a little water and wipe the screen. Then wipe with another dry finish. Use cotton swabs to remove dust particles and small crumbs of hard to reach places.
Although some equipment manufacturers are advised not to use alcohol-based cleaning Mobile and chemical weapons, but nevertheless do sell special alcohol wipes to clean the phone. You can make such a napkin itself. Mix ethyl or 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and distilled water 1: 1. Dampen a soft cloth that is lint-free cloth, and gently wipe the screen. In no case do not use a paper napkin. The fabric should be slightly damp, almost dry. You can also use white vinegar instead of alcohol in the same proportion.
Cleanse your device to measure and mind, then your phone does not work properly, and the surface will be protected from bacteria.
Share with your friends information about how to protect yourself from viruses and bacteria that accumulate on your mobile phone.
via takprosto cc
clean the phone - it's a tough thing to be very careful. Before you clean the phone, disconnect it. Take a microfiber cloth (it can be purchased at hardware store or fiber), soak the area with a little water and wipe the screen. Then wipe with another dry finish. Use cotton swabs to remove dust particles and small crumbs of hard to reach places.
Although some equipment manufacturers are advised not to use alcohol-based cleaning Mobile and chemical weapons, but nevertheless do sell special alcohol wipes to clean the phone. You can make such a napkin itself. Mix ethyl or 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and distilled water 1: 1. Dampen a soft cloth that is lint-free cloth, and gently wipe the screen. In no case do not use a paper napkin. The fabric should be slightly damp, almost dry. You can also use white vinegar instead of alcohol in the same proportion.
Cleanse your device to measure and mind, then your phone does not work properly, and the surface will be protected from bacteria.
Share with your friends information about how to protect yourself from viruses and bacteria that accumulate on your mobile phone.
via takprosto cc
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