Eat well - run fast: burn calories from eating goodies!
When a person eats chocolate cake or drink coffee with sugar, it is often not even think about how many calories while consuming. And oh, how it is not enough. To burn them then you need to work hard. Therefore, calculations have been made interesting. Find out how many kilometers have to run to burn calories from ingested food and beverage drunk. To calculate the average parameters were taken: weight 65 kilos and run at a speed of 10 km / h.
1. In order to burn calories a cup of instant coffee without sugar, you need to run 420 meters.
2. A green apple is medium in size
3. Sandwich with red caviar without oil
4. Boiled egg
5. Small bar Milky Way
6. Small cake weighing 35 grams
7. Two candies "Ferrero Rocher»
8. The ear of boiled corn
9. Sweet curd cheese weighing 50 grams
10. Batonchik Mars
11. Little KitKat
12. 50 grams of sweet peanut
13. Snickers
14. Bounty
15. Twi - champion among bars
16. A stack of toast weighing 60 grams
17. Stick Kozinaki weighing 56, 5 grams
18. Alpen Gold Chocolate with hazelnuts and raisins
19. The most high-calorie foods in the list is the chocolate cake weighing 125 grams.
After viewing these photographs inevitably begin to think, when you have the latest 5 items from the list, is it worth it. But even if you eat right, you will not hurt jogging. Even on the contrary, it gives a lot of advantages to the organism.
Exercise, eat healthy food and share this interesting information with your friends!
via takprosto cc
1. In order to burn calories a cup of instant coffee without sugar, you need to run 420 meters.

2. A green apple is medium in size

3. Sandwich with red caviar without oil

4. Boiled egg

5. Small bar Milky Way

6. Small cake weighing 35 grams

7. Two candies "Ferrero Rocher»

8. The ear of boiled corn

9. Sweet curd cheese weighing 50 grams

10. Batonchik Mars

11. Little KitKat

12. 50 grams of sweet peanut

13. Snickers

14. Bounty

15. Twi - champion among bars

16. A stack of toast weighing 60 grams

17. Stick Kozinaki weighing 56, 5 grams

18. Alpen Gold Chocolate with hazelnuts and raisins

19. The most high-calorie foods in the list is the chocolate cake weighing 125 grams.

After viewing these photographs inevitably begin to think, when you have the latest 5 items from the list, is it worth it. But even if you eat right, you will not hurt jogging. Even on the contrary, it gives a lot of advantages to the organism.
Exercise, eat healthy food and share this interesting information with your friends!
via takprosto cc
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