The herpes virus - not just a light skin disease. In fact, he is more dangerous than you think!
Surely you had seen herpes on the lips or in others he was sick as a child with chickenpox. It would seem that two such different diseases, but they have one source - the herpes virus! Many people mistakenly believe that "the fever on the lips" - only a slight cold. Such people do not take precautions (separate utensils, towels, personal hygiene) and can infect others even more. The herpes virus is insidious by the fact that he is able to spread quickly from person to person and has as many as four ways to enter the body (airborne, contact, from mother to fetus)!
Unfortunately, the herpes virus is not yet fully understood, so we need to be very careful not to become a victim of an insidious disease.
While the virus is in the body's cells in the so-called "sleep mode", it is not dangerous, but its activation can cause the following diseases:
Herpes simplex, genital herpes and chicken pox are hiding in the neurons (nerve cells). By the way, in the cerebral cortex of contains approximately 10-20 billion.
The herpes virus is so tricky that if, for example, the child is sick with chickenpox, the adult infection, acquires a different form of the virus - herpes (herpes) zoster.
Shingles appears exactly in the place of the body where the nerve cells affected by the herpes virus. It can be any area of the skin.
But the most dangerous - is getting the virus in the brain. When infected with the temporal lobe, the consequences can be very serious, even fatal.
Some people survive, but get serious brain injury. After diseases they seem completely healthy but confused the whole classes of objects (animals, colors, tools) without seeing the differences between them. One of the survivors could not even distinguish between a picture of a real bird of fictional animal.
That brain damage due to herpes virus show how our brain keeps and classifies the information.
Perhaps, the herpes virus enters it in the category that is called "and enemy does not want." Please tell us about this article to the maximum number of people. Herpes - not who he claims to be. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
via takprosto cc
Unfortunately, the herpes virus is not yet fully understood, so we need to be very careful not to become a victim of an insidious disease.

While the virus is in the body's cells in the so-called "sleep mode", it is not dangerous, but its activation can cause the following diseases:

Herpes simplex, genital herpes and chicken pox are hiding in the neurons (nerve cells). By the way, in the cerebral cortex of contains approximately 10-20 billion.

The herpes virus is so tricky that if, for example, the child is sick with chickenpox, the adult infection, acquires a different form of the virus - herpes (herpes) zoster.

Shingles appears exactly in the place of the body where the nerve cells affected by the herpes virus. It can be any area of the skin.

But the most dangerous - is getting the virus in the brain. When infected with the temporal lobe, the consequences can be very serious, even fatal.

Some people survive, but get serious brain injury. After diseases they seem completely healthy but confused the whole classes of objects (animals, colors, tools) without seeing the differences between them. One of the survivors could not even distinguish between a picture of a real bird of fictional animal.

That brain damage due to herpes virus show how our brain keeps and classifies the information.

Perhaps, the herpes virus enters it in the category that is called "and enemy does not want." Please tell us about this article to the maximum number of people. Herpes - not who he claims to be. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
via takprosto cc
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