Herpes? Get rid of its manifestations in just one night!

What is the cause of herpes on the lips?
Herpes - an infection caused by a highly contagious virus that is easily transmitted and produces painful sores.
Today we will speak about herpes on the lips. First, as a result of infection appear small but very painful blisters or even blisters, they are called centers of herpes, and it should be noted that in addition to their unattractive appearance, they are also easily transmitted by contact "skin to skin».
What is the cause of herpes on the lips?
So, herpes on the lips - a very common phenomenon caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (VHS - 1). With him, as a rule, faced by people in their 20s. If it happened once, the virus does not go quite as well as it "falls asleep" in the tissues of the face and may at any time to prove himself again, he wakes up and generates new lesions.
In most cases, herpes simplex virus type 1 (VHS - 1) is the cause of herpes on the lips, and with it the easiest to handle. However, there were cases when the infection was caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 (VHS - 2) that causes genital herpes. This could have happened if the person had oral sex, for example.
Herpes with incredible ease and speed transmitted from one person to another, especially if there are active lesions. Therefore, to protect themselves from this unpleasant problem, you should avoid close contact with people suffering from herpes, do not touch the lesions, and to the objects with which they come into contact (razor, towels, dishes, etc..)
How to stop cold sores overnight?
Fortunately, there is one trick, but rather a folk remedy that will help you get rid of the symptoms of herpes in just one night! And the trick is associated with the healing properties of garlic, because it acts as a natural antibiotic that can stop the effects of various viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Garlic contains a nitrogenous substance, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, hydrogen sulfide, phosphoric acid, as well as vitamins C, B, D, phytosterols and ethereal oil.
Also, it contains a compound called allicin, which, according to research, has a strong bacteriostatic effect, allowing you to quickly deal with different infections.
Thus, it turns out that garlic can be much more effective medicines and pharmacy while certainly not cause any unwanted side effects.
In addition, garlic helps to improve blood circulation, prevents cardiovascular problems, helps lower cholesterol, fights free radicals, and is an excellent preventive measure against many diseases.
Getting rid of the symptoms of herpes in one night with the help of garlic!
Finely chop or crush a clove of garlic. Then attach it directly to the sores, herpes hearth. If the area of "defeat" herpes is large, the procedure must be repeated several times during the day (each time with a new clove of garlic).
Leave garlic lips preferably in 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is possible that you will feel a tingling or burning sensation, but these feelings will pass in a few seconds, as the garlic itself will cure this pain, herpes and he's able to handle a few hours.
If suddenly one day it did not happen, repeat the procedure in the evening and at night, so you're sure of a positive result.
The second option use garlic paste - it apply it to the affected area, cover with a bandage and leave to act overnight. The next morning, the dressing can be removed, wash and rejoice as decreased focus herpes (or disappeared altogether).
How to avoid getting infections?
In conclusion, we would like to remind you that herpes is easily transmitted through a variety of items and accessories for personal use. So if you have coped with herpes, do not forget to throw away your toothbrush, hygienic lipstick and other cosmetics for lips, which were used, as well as wash all the towels.
Men have to throw even the blade of his razor, because this subject, like all the previous ones, has been "infected" by herpes simplex virus, and therefore its continued use could lead to the development of a new infection.
Finally, we recommend to avoid direct sunlight and regularly use sunscreen. It may also protect against the appearance of new outbreaks of herpes.
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